Monday, July 31, 2006

I am very awake and smiling this monday morning. I woke up at 4:45 this morning. You read that right. I was fully rested and I couldn't sleep anymore. What're gonna do? Go to the gym, that's what.

I have successfully stopped biting my nails and they are fully grown. I don't know the proper time to cut them because I've never, ever have had fingernails in my life. I don't know the protocal. And I gotta say, I find fingernails annoying.

Yesterday was a fitting close for the month of July. I had my UCB show and I appreciate all the people that showed up to support me. That was cool. It was good show, especially for a group of beginners. I feel like I kinda sucked it up. I was nervous and way too self conscience. So I wasn't sure if "I" was good or not, but everytime I get down about improv I am somehow picked right backup again. The instance I'm refering to is a phone call I got late last night from Liam, going "hey man I gotta tell you thanks for the punching bit, I'm glad that you were on stage with me I really enjoyed that you had my back." I was caught off guard, because I felt like I was just a nusance in that scene. That's really encourging, to have Liam as a friend and improv partner because, he's like my number fan. An I don't understand it, but I love it. And he's great too. He's very good. I get confused because you can't watch yourself preform so I have no idea what the perception of me is. I just know what I do. I don't think my preformance is ever that good, but hey, if it's somewhat working, hey.

Also I had a long long conversation/evening with Sean from my class who's is such a cool guy and professional indie rocker! He's a real awesome dude. I'm hoping he can guide me with my musical hobby aka Monday Moustache Club. Speaking of which, we have practice tomorrow night. This weekend I screwed around with the 4-track a bit and have a new song I'm tinkering with that I'm real excited about.

T-minus about 5 days until I fly to seattle. Yay!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Oh man.... Oh man.... I have been buying shit online uncontrollably... It's all I've done the past few days. Shoot man. I have a ton of movies on the way. I got 5(!!!!) in the mail yesterday. My goal is not to buy anything today. Fingers-crossed.

Among my purchases I broke down and bought anaheim Tricky tickets. I figure Tricky only tours once in half a decade or something and he's playing a small venue. Next week is supposed to be real lax at work so, what the heck?

I'm in a fantasty football league which I feel I'm bound to kick ass in.

Another purchase I made was an original 1976 A Boy and His Dog poster. That's proudly going on the wall.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

So last night I hung out with Martin and we got to talking and overall, with life, I'm feeling pretty content which I feel is the death of an artist. Now that I'm not focused on hating working for french girl and have grown out long finger nails, I'm happy. Work isn't taxing at all, and I feel content. I'm kinda bored though, in this perfect-esq life. There's no drama. No hatred. Is that such a bad thing? I donno. This is something I'm trying to figure out. I really need to crank out my first script. I ordered a ton of old sci-fi movies to watch as research for it. I'm hoping that when I go home next weekend I can watch a few of them.

I can tell you, I'm looking forward to camp. I'm looking forward to my UCB show this weekend. But I'm also very nervous. I'm trying to conquer these feelings but my body has a hard time secreating confidence or whatever. Oh well, it will happen, and we will see. I'm just excited.

Yesterday I didn't do a damn thing at work except watch and take notes on my next Baction review, 2020:Texas Gladiators. It's going to be my first in a double feature of post-apocolyptic italian trash cinema. I need to see the last 20 minutes and write it, which I plan to post tomorrow.

I hooked my computer up to my avid mixer so I can listen to movies and KEXP on good speakers. That's pretty sweet. I also hooked it up so I can watch movies from my tv monitor playing from my computer. **Note: Now that I look upon my work with proud eyes, I feel kind of stupid because I have a dvd player right below the tv and that's already patched through the mixer... I should have noticed that earlier...** But in my defense: I can stream KEXP. Ha. I'm not a complete dufus.

There is this guy who talks to me on myspace and it took me a month to recognize him as my old best friend from elementry school. He tried to be my friend a while ago and I rejected him. Because he didn't just say "hey I'm your best friend from long ago." It was just like "hey do I know you, you look familiar." I just thought, this was a military guy from high school, or something, I didn't have any memory of. I donno. But now I'm like dude, that's my old best friend I haven't seen. Wow. Any he joined the marines, which is totally out of character. People change I guess. But man, myspace, why do we have to be reunited on myspace? Why should that bother me though? It doesn't really, its just an excuse not to deal with this rush of feeling and memories that were buried so long ago. So I should email him back and tell him, basically what I'm writing here, but I'm a little hesitant.

I'm super pissed because I was really looking forward to this Tricky show at a small club here in hollywood and I got an email saying it was canceled. That sucks. I was willing to pay for over priced tickets to see Tricky, who I love and adore and, shit, now I'm hurt because I can't. I'm really bummed out. He's still playing Anahiem. He's still playing San Fran. Why not hollywood?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I'm still in a damn good mood because of my freedom. I've been trying to be more creative and artistic as of late. I'm starting to sketch and draw stuff. I'm thinking about trying to paint. I don't know where I'd do it though. Yesterday I played around with the 4-track and my new reverb pedal. It was a lot of fun. I just echoed the vocals over eachother and it was really trippy. I also met with two guys from my improv class, Liam and Jeff and these are really good guys. We're all becoming good friends, something I just don't have here in LA.

I must tell you my excitement about the upcoming 3D film festival to the egyptian theatre. A while back I said that I'm only seeing movies in 3D from now on and I've held to it. I might go see monster house--just to support 3-D in movies. Anyhow, they are showing Robot Monster in 3D! This is one of my newer favorite trash sci-fi movies! I urge you to come out and join me. Also that day they are showing Dial M for Murder AND Andy Warhol's Frankenstein! In 3D! My head might explode. If you can't make it to see Robot Monster on Sept 16, then I suggust you fork over the 6 bucks or whatever and buy it for yourself. You'll thank me again, like you always do when I recommend cool shit.

Ro-Man, the horny robot monster from space.

I'm addicted to ebay. I am.

Monday, July 24, 2006

I'm not going to lie to you. I'm feeling pretty great. Everyone's complaining about the goddamn heat, I'm kinda used to it. I must be a meta-human or something who has evolved and my blood tempurature is normal at a 99.9 degrees. My sub-superhuman-ness is not the reason I'm feeling great though, it's two things.

First, and most importantly, I don't have to deal with French Girl anymore! No hassle about editing her movie I never wanted to edit in the first place. She has found a "professional editor" named Sven, who is between gigs and will devote some time to her film... if I'm cool with it. Fuck yeah, I'm more than fine with it. I had to mask my utter excitement as I handed her harddrive back to her knowing that I (hopefully) won't ever see it again. What a wave of relief. I can do whatever I please with my free time after work now. Thank you god. That woman was driving me to be an alcoholic.

Secondly, I had a great time at Comic-con. This was my sixth straigh year and while a number of sad things occured: I only go to go one day, it was fucking hot, which in turn caused less people to dressup and I wore sandels that gave my feet blisters, I lost my sunglasses.... I still had a blast. I have sitting right now in my office a kickass Vincent Price action figure from Edward Scissorhands. It's amazing. I went to the Quinton Tarentino/Robert Rodrigez Grindhouse pannel, which was fun. Even though, I still shroud myself in mystery having never seen Pulp Fiction, Quinton Tarentino is the man I wish I was. He is the epidmy of passion + geekdom. I also envy Robert because he is surround by hot girls now. I need to make films that start hot women. Why?

Well, a little sidenote: let me spread this very true rumor, he's fucking one of the actresses. Or was at least. Story goes like this: Robert said that shooting haulted because of script changes and that's just bullshit. He was having a mental breakdown because his wife flipped out and wanted to divorce him because she found out about him having an affair with one of the young actresses. I know this because DOA, the movie I was working on, was produced also by the Weinstiens and Bob and Harvey were freaking out because they had to halt production on Grindhouse, which in turn, halted start date of Sin City--which is a key money making movie for them next year... they had Angolina Jolie booked and everything. The producer of Dead Or Alive were angry because the weinstiens were completely ignoring thier film and focusing all their attention to the Robert Rodgrigez problem. (Not to say that is wrong, but you should at have someone work on getting a fucking trailer out there, it's being released in 4 weeks.) I know I'm on a little tangent right now, but I just get worried that they are going to botch the first theatrical release of a film I worked on, because it seems they are botching the release of Pulse (staring Kirsten Bell who I have a very open crush on).

I did attend the V.Mars pannel, which was entertaining, it was great to see Ms. Bell in person, but I now kinda regret missing the spiderman 3 pannel, because, jesus, they had the whole cast there! Why do we have to wait until next summer? Just give it too me now! I will say this, everyone on the show, pretty much seemed to be a lot like their character on the show. Dick Cassablancas and the sherriff guy were attention getters and annoying. Logan seemed like less of a dick though. The show creator Rob Thomas looked like steve Guttenburg with maybe a little matthew brodrick mixed in. He seemed really cool. I'd love to work for him some day.

I picked up some comic books at the con and met one of my favorite artists right now Josh Howard which was a treat. It was actually kinda start struck.

So until next year comic con. Adieu.

One last thing, Baction has a new Brian Bosworth movie review up if you feel like checking it out.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Comic-Con Anticipation

Oh man, I feel like a friggin' kid right now. I'm sooo excited for comic-con. I dreamt about the Veronica Mars pannel. That's how geeky I am. Veronica mars!! So now I have this whole dilemma on whether I should got th VM pannel or the Spiderman 3 pannel. They happen to be at the same time... My dreams are telling me something... I should see Kristen Bell in person and then, hang out and then get married. Hmmm. I donno. I'm going to play it by ear. I also dreamt that the He-Man toy that Cory wants me to pick up for him was actually an 18 inch Skeletor doll with an Evil-Lyn statue in his belly. I was dissapointed because it was like $50--which was too pricey for me to pick up an extra one for myself... I may got nuts at Comic-Con this weekend. Last year I only bought one exclusive figure because it was an off year. This year they have some pretty kick ass stuff and I have a ton of disposable income. So, we'll see. Hopefully it won't be sold out of the He-Man stuff. Holy shit. I just looked and Comic-Con cost $30 to go to. Dang that's expensive... Maybe they are trying to deter crowds...

Last night (which was probably the geek catalyst) I went out and saw The Apple at the Aero. Oh my god. Loved every second of it. It was mildly dissapointing that the crowd wasn't so big, but it didn't matter. Mr. Topps makes you forget all your problems. It's such a treat to see it projected.

I'm very excited to break to you (whoever reads this) some awesome news which I will be offically announcing in early August. (Might as well get the buzz flowing now.) As you may be aware I have started up another band and we've been practicing here and there. I like it a lot. We are tenitivly calling ourselves The Monday Moustache Club.

Anyways, I'm proud to introduce "The Monday Moustache Singles Club". What it's going to be, is every month we will be sending out to all our subscribers a limited edition handmade cd with an exclusive A and B track. It's free. We'll send it to you. The tracks will range in quality--it's basically going to be a hodge-podge of whatever we want. 4-track recordings, live songs, remixes, the world is our oyster. And after the first few CDs we will be taking requests and every month will be a theme. I'm giving you the chance to be a part of music history, because no doubt everyone will have loved to be a part of the club right from the begining.

Anyways, here are two samples of what you might be hearing:

A: TMMC - Ford Tough

B: TMMC - Mama Says (live practice recording)

See. It's going to fun.

First month is going to be august or september.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Okay. My week is just rolling along. I'm working a bunch. At work and on this short and it's taking up all my time. I 'worked' from 7:30am-1am yesterday with no real breaks. That sucks. It does. And I'm basically doing the same today. I've run into problems with the short film. Coverage/footage problems. Oh well, there's only so much I can do and I won't stress over it.

I'm excited for comic-con this weekend. I'll just be going for one day (my lowest number since I started going five years ago) but I'm happy to have that. Spider Man 3. That's all I gotta say. MOTU action figures and Spider Man 3. It'll be a fun day.

I just got a call and it looks like a mad dash is on for the UCB 301 class which opened up this morning. They'll be about 3-4 hours of phone tag before all of us folk organize decide whether to sign up or not. That's always fun.

Anyways, I gotta go, but Seattle Sports are getting screwed right now. From the mariner game last night to the sonics, it's a rough morning. Hang in there, city I am from, I'm here for your teams.

Monday, July 17, 2006

This weekend I had a really inspiring and great experience at the Playhouse West Film Festival. Elena an actress from Timothy is taking classes there now and they have a big film festival there every year, showing movies starting students and former alum. Very supportive group. Jeff Goldblum (one of the theatre's founders) had a Q&A right before they showed my film, which was awesome. The man is freakin' crazy. Completely devoted to his craft--so much so that you'd have to be nuts. He (appears) to spend every hour of almost every day, learning, taking singing lessons, "acting", ext. Anyways, it makes me want to make something again aka make a film.

Speaking of which, Chris supposedly has his script done and I need to read it and decide if I want to kill myself over getting it made. It's a full length script that he claims could be made fairly cheaply. I'm excited to read it, to say the least.

Also this weekend I bought a new flat screen computer monitor and have a sound editing facility set up in my room now. I spent a long night editing with french girl yesterday and... I'm trying to find the best way to word this... She thinks everything is great. Which means I can shit in a bag and she'll be happy with it. This is awesome. Not because I'm an ass. I (for one) told her I had and still have no interest in editing her film. I told her to find someone else. She didn't. In a way, I feel like I can teach this young girl a lesson about how you should never hire someone who isn't passionate about a project. But I won't. Mr. Goldblum spoke alot about loving your craft and being imersed in it. Okay. I'll try. What am I getting at? If I don't get the film to a standard that's excellent to me, that's okay because french girls standards are lower than mine. Have I confused you yet? I'm spending so much time on this damn this damn film and I'm trying to do my best. Logging in the hours...

My quest to not bite my nails has seemed to work. I've stopped. My life isn't radically different.
I sould put that focus into going to the gym regularly. I've really been slacking the past month.

I am probably flying home for summer camp in august. I should know by today or tomorrow. I need to by a plane ticket ASAP. I'll arrive the 5th and leave the 13th. Camp wouldn't start until the 8th... so pat, put that on your calender.

I'm should also throw out an open invitation to anybody reading this to come see my level 2 improv show at the Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater on July 30th, 5:30pm. I should be fun. I'm nervous it will suck, but that's not punk rock so fuck it. Come and see amazing shit. You miss it and you're screwed, for what happens at the show will never be repeated.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

"They're eating her. Then they're going to eat me. (pause) Oh my GODDDDDDDD!"

With all my bitching about beening busy, I have watched Troll 2 twice in the past week. It is at the top right now in the ever competing list of my favorite movies of all times. (The rotating list is The Apple, Sleepaway Camp 2 and Dead Alive.)

Troll 2 is the most amazing lesson in bad cinema you will ever view. It's also full of charm. The Director going under the name Drake Floyed, is italian, doesn't speak the best english and filmed Troll 2 on location in Utah casting local 'talent'. And it is both deserving and undeserving of it's #3 ranking of worst movie of all time on imdb. It's playing just about every day (in widescreen!!!) on Showtime, so do yourself a favor and tivo it. You'll thank yourself almost immediatly.

Case in point: This weekend I was over at my aunt and uncles. My cousin was playing videogames, he was getting frustrated and turned off the xbox and low and behold Troll 2 was on tv. It had just started. I told him we had to watch just a couple minutes of it because it was at a great part in the film (he did not know that every part is a great part in Troll 2). Anyways, my skateboarding too-cool-for-school cousin, was captivated. My uncle walks by sits down, he can't remove his eyes from the screen. My cousin's girl friend comes over, she's having a crappy day and is like "what the hell are you watching?" We basically ignore her, glued to the tv. It takes her a few minutes to come 'round and she sits and doesn't get up. We watch the whole film. It is a glorious train-wreck waiting for you to press play. Troll 2 has absolutly no Trolls in it. That's the hook I should have used at the start to draw you in, but I'll leave you with that tidbit. You should just go out and buy the damn thing. It's $10 for a troll/troll 2 double dvd. Buy that and The Apple and you have bought yourself a ticket to heaven for $20.

Chris Baier came over last night and he's writing a script called The Goblin King so we watched Troll 2 for inspiration. (Troll 2 is about "goblins--monsterous beings!!!") I was supposed to meet french girl, but I got off work past eight and then when got I home I forgot her harddrive at work. That's fine, I needed to relax. I went to bed early and feel very rested today.

We're having a big screening this afternoon so hopefully everyone will just go home after and we'll get notes tomorrow. That would be best. I got a book titled Final Cut Pro for Avid Editors which I think I'll start reading today. I'm trying to learn it, but hate FCP sooo much.

Calvin Johnson Did a mixtape recently for It's really good and you should download it. Check out the website because David Cross just did a mixtape for them. It's good stuff.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It's been about 6 days since I stopped biting my nails and I can already see improvement. It's been tough because it's been a lifestyle(?) forever. A natural habit.

Speaking of lifestyes, my living area is a mess right now. My life is messy right now. My room and house are a disaster and I just don't have time to try and make it better. I fantazise about putting away my clothes, organizing all the comic books and changing my guitar strings, but when can I? I want to pickup my new fixed glasses, but I can't seem to make it up to burbank.

The recording of our second band practice is pretty fun. A lot of room for improvement, but now I have my sights set on a semi-proffesional recording. Maybe end of august we can "head into the studio". I donno. I feel like there is this awesome bass track for Mama Says and it needs to be heard and bopped to 'round the world. We were (almost) going to play this house party this weekend but Chris is going to be out of town. It's probably for the best but I love the spontinaity & foolishness. Who cares if we've only practiced twice? there's no better time than now.

I'm still a little tired and know I set today as the deadline for the One Tough Bastard review (which I could still get too tonight) but for the time being I'll shoot to get it out by this weekend because I left the DVD at home--somewhere in that blackhole that is my livingroom.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I'm tired dudes. That thing with girl and the editing.... I was up to late dealing with "technical issues" regarding my computer and stuff. Real late. Then I had this weird nightmare.

I was being taunted my this 'gang' of sorts made out of UCB improv actors. Actually it was a bunch of young kids that are on Harold teams at the theatre. They're not great, they're not bad. They're nice people, but a part of me is jealous of their accomplishments. Like I said, they're by no means great but they are years younger and will be much better when they reach my age... anyhow, I'm talking with one of the guys after a show and in the background another guy is being a prick and we end up exchanging insult. Then the entire group tells us we need to settle this by a good old fashion street fight. It's me against the other guy and his posse leaves us so we can fight alone and mainly save myself some embarrassement in public. My adrenaline starts pumping. This guy, while kind of a dork is trim and totally in shape and a prick so his confidence is probably through the roof and mine is not. I'm just thinking "I've never been in a fight before. Oh god." We brawl. It's vicious. Straight hatred. I actually get the upperhand and I don't stop. I'm in the fucking zone. I'm better and I'm not only going show this fuck, but all is improv buddies too. I mean business. I beat him to a bloody pulp and then don't stop. Just to see if I can, I rip off his head. I shove it in burlap sack and start throwing it around until its fucking mush. I look at what's left and it's not even human. It's like green mush. My hearts pounding. I did it. I beat this guy. I did more than that. I pulverised him. Literally. Those young improv brats don't have nothing on me now...

Then it hits me. OH MY GOD. I killed him. In my blind rage I took a man's life. (There's a quick thought that he might have been a zombie because of the green instead of red, but it's broken up by...) The Improv posse returns. They look around and are shocked that I'm victorious but also that I'm the only one around. "Where's John?" one of them asks. I start feeling guilty, real guilty, I could go to jail or get the death penalty. "I kicked his ass pretty bad and he ran off. I donno where?" And they look worried. "Well it's getting late and he's only 17 and his parents love him a lot are going to get worried." Oh god... a kid, a seventeen-year-old. His parents are never going to see him again and it's all my fault. I tell them he went that way and good luck finding him. Then I get dizy and sick. I was the last person to see this kid. That's what the police are going to say when his parents file a police report. It was a simple fight and I had to go overboard. Over the fucking board. Some time passes, my conscience is so heavy. I'm disgusted and frightened for what I did and what will happen. Ring-Ring. My cell phone. My heart drops. I don't recognize the number. This is it. I'm going to jail and then hell. I wait and a message is left. It's dark and cold. I take a deep breath and hold down the 1 button.

"Hello this is Martin. Martin Short. I heard that you were playing with Johnny earlier and we're really worried about him because nobody has seen him and you're the last one who saw him and it's unlike him to dissapear like this. Please give me a call at home. My number is..." Martin Fucking Short. I killed a famous person's kid. Not only that, it's the Martin Short of now. His voice was vounerable as if he knows his career is dead and his wife left him and this kid is the only thing good in his life. And I killed it. I'm getting the death penalty for sure. I dead. I'm so fucking dead. I put his poor child's head in a sack and thumped it into pulp. Martin Short doesn't need this. He's been ruthlessly humilated over the movies and shows he's done over the past ten years and I killed his 17-year-old son. Is there a worse person on this earth?

The dream goes on for an agonizingly long time which me balancing my guilt with evading police. And when I woke up, it was one of those "oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, it was just a dream." Do you ever have those, where the dream is so vivid and so taxing on your mind you wake up and it takes a couple mintues for you to wonder if you just blacked out or something and you now have to deal with the consiquences. It doesn't happen often to me, but I hate that feeling. I get emotionally wasted and it just wears me down. Sleep is supposed to recharge you.

So that's where I'm at. I'm tired and I blame this movie, my computer and that dream.

I feel I should mention that I have a new short term goal in my life which is to quit biting my finger nails. I've done it all my life and have never tried to quit. Now I am.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Kickball = Kickass!

My glasses offically broke. Remember when I went through that whole ordeal a few months back regarding getting new glasses and now... donzo. Well, I get to get a new pair at half price, so, oh well. Eye surgery, here I come.

Other than that, the weekend was super good. Friday I got to enjoy the luxury of the bussiness suite at the dodgers game with Marhefka. That was a treat. Call me up anytime you have extra tickets. I really like Dodgers stadium, especially from a suite on a perfect evening.

Saturday all I have to say is: Kickball. Hot Damn, it's so great to get Midnight Kickball back in my life. We had a good turn out numbers-wise. You can't call it a co-ed evening because this is the first time in history I think we only had one girl show up. But lets focus on the positives. Kickball = Kickass. Come out next week.

Yesterday we had band practice again and it's really turning out good. I sort of recorded bits of the practice onto the 4-track and it sound like garage-rock. Which is fine. It's fun. We're getting to know the songs pretty well. Well enough to be like, anything else? The jamming is awesome. I'm going to digitize the tape (maybe tonight?) and see. It's extreamly lo-fi, which I kinda like. It's endearing and reminds me of those early chaotic modest mouse shows. Basically it's thrash-rock versions of all the my old songs you know and love. It's a really exciting time.

We have to wait until 2010 until the next world cup in South Africa. Tenitivly I've made a pact with Dave to attend. Once Dave sells his script, we're booking the flight a few years in advance to save on fuel costs. Sound idiotic? You can't judge dreams. Screw you. It was fun. Hopefully the US will take some athletic point-guards from the NBA and convert them into kick ass soccer players by then...

Have I mentioned my dilemma with this girl I met a Cannes? Anyways, my next month and a half is going to be really busy because I just couldn't say no to editing this cute, broken-english, blonde, french girl's USC film. I can't say I'm excited, but you know. What the hell? I'm going to make the most of it. I just don't think I can give the film the proper amount of time it probably needs. I'm not in school anymore. I've got a job you know... but, then again, she's thousands of miles away from home, probably without many friends... BTW, I'm listening to Cibo Matto and the way they speak totally reminds me of this girl.

Oh I should have a second Bozworth Baction review up this week. Everytime I say that, I know it's shooting myself in the foot, but let's say by, Wednesday. New Bation.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Okay. I was just looking at the Comic-Con website and am starting to get really excited. 13 days. Wow. They are having a DOA: Dead or Alive panel on Friday with Jamie Pressly and all the girls in attendance... I just called the editor, but his he's not in. I'm hoping that because I worked on the film, I can sneak my way into getting free weekend passes. (It's just a pipe dream.) Maybe he's going...

Last night was alright. I was really looking forward to seeing Baby Wants Candy at the UCB and I went up there and the entire three block radius around the theater was closed off, to a bomb threat. Liam said that week should meet over at Big Wangs instead and on my walk over there I ran into Zack X who was jogging. Then I ran into Luoto at Wangs. Look at me. I know everyone in this town!!!

It's 10am and I just got word that we're just playing xbox 360 here at work, so I gotta hook it up... Have a great friday!!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I spent all yesterday updating the Baction Section (finally) so I haven't gotten a chance to comment on the long weekend. It was good. It's hot out.

On Saturday I went out with Maileen and we saw Built to Spill at the Troubadour which was amazing. Dug opened with a mellow version of Car then the band came out and rocked my freakin world with "Going against your mind". It was great. Those two songs alone would have made it a wonderful night, but, granted, they played much more and it was fabulous. I tried to get tickets for their "5th and final show" yesterday, but they had sold out and I didn't have the effort to try to obtain them through "other means".

Sunday I spent $50 on comic books. I'm really getting to the Hellblazer and I've been buying Batman & Green Arrow comics. It was an impulsive buy but, hey, I was celebrating freedom in america. I also had improv class, which was okay. The thing is, our class is more than halfway over and our teacher has been absent to every class but the first. It's really frustrating having a different sub everyweek. I wish I could be more positive about the situation, but I can't. Oh! I also went with Marhefka to Asssscat after and that was just weird and awkward, the show that is. We had a great time anyways. We're supposed to go to the Dodgers game tomorrow, which I'm real exicted about!! (Don't get me started on the Mariners who were just swept....)

Monday Monday Monday! We had our first offical band practice and it was so much fun. Brian wants to call this incarnation (3rd times a charm right?) Braditude, which I don't.... but anyways, I had a blast. And it sounded real good. The studio we were in can record practices on CD so we're probably going to do that next time. Some old songs are sound new, and some new songs are fresh. The bass track was booty-licious. I didn't want to stop most time. I just wanted to keep dancing.

Tuesday was a weird day. I ditched Maileen, Annie and Company and picked up Kory and the two of us tried to find a place to watch the world cup game and ended up going back to my place getting trashed on margaritas I made from scratch. It was great. I went to a BBQ later that evening because I didn't feel like driving down to the OC. It was a fabulous 4th, but it was nice.

On to today: My car broke down on the way to work. Yeah apperently it's going to be okay, but at what cost!?!?! I donno, $120 probably. (UPDATE: Just got a call $181...)

I think that's all for now. I'm going to read comics.