Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I'm still in a damn good mood because of my freedom. I've been trying to be more creative and artistic as of late. I'm starting to sketch and draw stuff. I'm thinking about trying to paint. I don't know where I'd do it though. Yesterday I played around with the 4-track and my new reverb pedal. It was a lot of fun. I just echoed the vocals over eachother and it was really trippy. I also met with two guys from my improv class, Liam and Jeff and these are really good guys. We're all becoming good friends, something I just don't have here in LA.

I must tell you my excitement about the upcoming 3D film festival to the egyptian theatre. A while back I said that I'm only seeing movies in 3D from now on and I've held to it. I might go see monster house--just to support 3-D in movies. Anyhow, they are showing Robot Monster in 3D! This is one of my newer favorite trash sci-fi movies! I urge you to come out and join me. Also that day they are showing Dial M for Murder AND Andy Warhol's Frankenstein! In 3D! My head might explode. If you can't make it to see Robot Monster on Sept 16, then I suggust you fork over the 6 bucks or whatever and buy it for yourself. You'll thank me again, like you always do when I recommend cool shit.

Ro-Man, the horny robot monster from space.

I'm addicted to ebay. I am.


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