Monday, July 31, 2006

I am very awake and smiling this monday morning. I woke up at 4:45 this morning. You read that right. I was fully rested and I couldn't sleep anymore. What're gonna do? Go to the gym, that's what.

I have successfully stopped biting my nails and they are fully grown. I don't know the proper time to cut them because I've never, ever have had fingernails in my life. I don't know the protocal. And I gotta say, I find fingernails annoying.

Yesterday was a fitting close for the month of July. I had my UCB show and I appreciate all the people that showed up to support me. That was cool. It was good show, especially for a group of beginners. I feel like I kinda sucked it up. I was nervous and way too self conscience. So I wasn't sure if "I" was good or not, but everytime I get down about improv I am somehow picked right backup again. The instance I'm refering to is a phone call I got late last night from Liam, going "hey man I gotta tell you thanks for the punching bit, I'm glad that you were on stage with me I really enjoyed that you had my back." I was caught off guard, because I felt like I was just a nusance in that scene. That's really encourging, to have Liam as a friend and improv partner because, he's like my number fan. An I don't understand it, but I love it. And he's great too. He's very good. I get confused because you can't watch yourself preform so I have no idea what the perception of me is. I just know what I do. I don't think my preformance is ever that good, but hey, if it's somewhat working, hey.

Also I had a long long conversation/evening with Sean from my class who's is such a cool guy and professional indie rocker! He's a real awesome dude. I'm hoping he can guide me with my musical hobby aka Monday Moustache Club. Speaking of which, we have practice tomorrow night. This weekend I screwed around with the 4-track a bit and have a new song I'm tinkering with that I'm real excited about.

T-minus about 5 days until I fly to seattle. Yay!


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