Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Radiohead & the Girls who need to fuck

I break ground on the editing of my camp project. I've watched every ounce of footage. All twenty hours. I'm going to try and figure out where to go from here. But it's good. I'm on the schedule that I've set for myself. I'll work at it more or less into the afternoon.

You know after you have a conversation with someone and something comes out of left field and your view of them is changed forever? I am reminded of such an instance when watching this footage. There was this counselor who I rode home with from camp. She was friends with driver, one of the teacher counselors. It was just three of us. I was in the back of the van and it was almost like I wasn't there. Somewhere along the six hour drive the girl was talking about breaking up, going into detail here and there and then all of a sudden she said very desperately, "I need sex so bad. I just need to fuck." While the subject, the frankness may have caught me off guard, the thing that really stuck around was she was three years younger than me. This younger girl needed sex really bad. Badly enough to let me know. Year of Adventure folks. Young girls need sex. Who'd of thought? Anyway, now when I watch the footage and see her on screen that's the only thing that enters my mind. Hey, that's the counselor who needs sex badly.

While on the subject and as part of the year of adventure, this past summer was the only time I received a drunken phone call from a girl who was like "Listen, I really need something to fuck. That something is you." I played it off like, you are drunk and I'll give you a ride home, rather than to be like, you think of me as a thing? I'm not a thing. I'm not a piece of meat that will have sex with anything. I have standards. And we're friends. Right? I don't think of you as a thing or thingy. So now, whenever I talk to this girl, that's what I am reminded of. She fucks things. Not me. I am more than that.

I'm listening to the new radiohead album. (Who isn't right?) It's pretty good. I'm not a huge radiohead fan and didn't really know there was an album coming out so, without having any expectations, it sounds good to me. It's free-ish. I just googled: raidiohead rainbows rapidshare. Found it really easily. What I'm looking forward to though, is the new Carrie Akre album that's supposedly going to hit my mailbox this week. She's having a private show for people who pre-ordered the cd but I can't make it up to washington next week....

Tomorrow I think I'll have to start calling regarding some bills I need to pay. Man oh man how they are piling up. I really could use a chunk of money. I though about applying to the bakery around the corner? Did I mention that already. Wouldn't that be fun? Baking cakes for a living. With my luck and lack of confidence I'll probably won't even get that job. I probably would be rejected from the goodwill down the street.

I'm really into this band called Pocahaunted. They release cds and tapes usually numbered and limited to 100. I have all but two of their releases. I was on ebay like last week and well, long story short, their shit sells for a great deal. Each 3" Cd which contains 1 song, 10-15 minutes was going for like $40-60. That's crazy right? If I need to eat anytime soon, I'll digitize the songs onto my ipod and then turn around and sell them, make some quick cash maybe.

I've just spent an hour of my life writing is when I should be editing.


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