Monday, July 17, 2006

This weekend I had a really inspiring and great experience at the Playhouse West Film Festival. Elena an actress from Timothy is taking classes there now and they have a big film festival there every year, showing movies starting students and former alum. Very supportive group. Jeff Goldblum (one of the theatre's founders) had a Q&A right before they showed my film, which was awesome. The man is freakin' crazy. Completely devoted to his craft--so much so that you'd have to be nuts. He (appears) to spend every hour of almost every day, learning, taking singing lessons, "acting", ext. Anyways, it makes me want to make something again aka make a film.

Speaking of which, Chris supposedly has his script done and I need to read it and decide if I want to kill myself over getting it made. It's a full length script that he claims could be made fairly cheaply. I'm excited to read it, to say the least.

Also this weekend I bought a new flat screen computer monitor and have a sound editing facility set up in my room now. I spent a long night editing with french girl yesterday and... I'm trying to find the best way to word this... She thinks everything is great. Which means I can shit in a bag and she'll be happy with it. This is awesome. Not because I'm an ass. I (for one) told her I had and still have no interest in editing her film. I told her to find someone else. She didn't. In a way, I feel like I can teach this young girl a lesson about how you should never hire someone who isn't passionate about a project. But I won't. Mr. Goldblum spoke alot about loving your craft and being imersed in it. Okay. I'll try. What am I getting at? If I don't get the film to a standard that's excellent to me, that's okay because french girls standards are lower than mine. Have I confused you yet? I'm spending so much time on this damn this damn film and I'm trying to do my best. Logging in the hours...

My quest to not bite my nails has seemed to work. I've stopped. My life isn't radically different.
I sould put that focus into going to the gym regularly. I've really been slacking the past month.

I am probably flying home for summer camp in august. I should know by today or tomorrow. I need to by a plane ticket ASAP. I'll arrive the 5th and leave the 13th. Camp wouldn't start until the 8th... so pat, put that on your calender.

I'm should also throw out an open invitation to anybody reading this to come see my level 2 improv show at the Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater on July 30th, 5:30pm. I should be fun. I'm nervous it will suck, but that's not punk rock so fuck it. Come and see amazing shit. You miss it and you're screwed, for what happens at the show will never be repeated.


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