Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Here's a story of sorts:

I have not been to the gym in at least a month. There are reasons for this, but, to put it plainly, I don't feel like going. Got it? Okay. Well, things are going to change, I'm going back to the gym because I'm getting lazy and I decided that I would do so this week, starting monday, as in, yesterday. I did not go. 'Why, did you not go, Indy?' you might ask. Because I had a freakin nightmare. Oh! One more thing. I have decided that part of the reason that I haven't been working out, is that I have been drinking a little more heavily the past month and it's harder to wake up. So I am activily cutting out drinking to be more healithy, ect. Well, I woke up monday morning from a crazy, crazy dream. It wore me out. I was so spent after it, I couldn't get up. That's why i failed to make it to the gym. I was dreaming about the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and the crazy cult rituals they made me do and snake headpeices (think snake dude from GI Joe) everyone was wearing before they tried to sacrifice me (think temple of doom). So last night, I actually went to the Academy and saw a screening, it was fun, and then I get home and, you know, set the alarm and am going to get up to work out. I had another crazy dream. I woke up worn out again. Who needs the gym when you are being chased by a crazed homeless man who's tring to give me $13 in a dream? You mind and body wear out. So, that's where I am not. I'm at work, a little tired and completely confused at why I would be terrifed of a homeless man trying to give me money. But it's so vivid, that fear. Oooooooohh boy. So we'll try again tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Monday, August 28, 2006

I have finished my first Madden 07 season winning the superbowl. (Hasslebeck was MVP for your information.) I feel content. I might go back to killing zombies now. The problem is, is that I'm so freakin bored at work today/this week/most the time and I need football season to start asap. Ugh. I want my sunday's at the billiards to commence. Now dammit.

So, I have been busy the last month and have been very much lacking the Baction Action. I'm predicting a huge boost in production in the comming months. Mainly because I'm getting tired of staight-up blogging (like I am now aka Bradical!). I have plenty to review. I've taken notes on several films but haven't finished the review... To emphisize my return I might--just migh--start a BACTION Review podcast. I have been over at Cold Fusion Video listening to theirs. It's pretty bland. I enjoy their reviews but the audio portion is kinda lame. I bet I could do better. The downside, of course, being, that it would be a lot of work. I will try it I think. Why not? Well see how I feel after the slumber party.

Ah, wonderful weekend... why don't you come a little be sooner?

Friday, August 25, 2006


Sorry I haven't written all week.

I was considering writing an open letter here to my bandmates, an apology of sorts, for my dumb actions last tuesday evening. I didn't. I am sorry though.

I was considering talking a lot about Madden 07. I won't.

That much, at least. It's pretty much what I've been doing with the past few days. 9-1 going into week 11 with the 'hawks.

What will I talk about then...

Oh, how about the upcomming slumber party I am hard at work planning? Yesterday was a big day because I got a bunch of stuff in the mail inlcuding "the world's worst cartoons" on dvd and some grindhouse trailers on dvd. It's pretty sweet. Now I have to select the few that make the cut and find a way to rip the off the dvds and then burn one master dvd to play inbetween the features. I need to focus on the features, I'm waiting for a DVD of The Devil's Sword to arrive, which I may consider for the Swords n Sandels feature I show (I'm going to show one). I should probably watch Rage again to see if it lives up to my memory... So much to do, so much to do. I can't wait until next week then.

This weekend we have our fantasy draft party and, of course, the Seahawks play the Chargers. And Holmgren said that the starters will play 2+ quarters, so I will see that. 8pm. I'm going to try and tidy up the house, clean my car and play lots and lots of Madden. Whoo.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Last night we picked up Dead Rising for xbox360. It is a game where you go around a mall and kill zombies with whatever objects you can manage to put your hands on. It's simplistic yet amazing because, if you're like me, you never get tired of jump kicking Zombies and running them over with a lawnmower.

I started my new UCB class last saturday (does it always sound like I say that? it kinda does). It's going to be very productive. We're getting to the point where we have to focus and work and I think our teacher is very good and has the right thoughts.

I really like this Girl Talk - Night Ripper album which is a bunch of mashups and samples from the last 3 decades of music. Very fun.

My foot was so sore yesterday from kickball last saturday. I kicked two homeruns, but it apperently was at a price--a sore ass foot.

Monday, August 21, 2006

America Needs A New Pastime

Jamie Moyer was traded from the Mariners.

Baseball is dead. I could go on and on about how much I truly loved and admired Jamie and that I once loved a sport known as baseball. I mean, he just celebrated 10 years with the M's and is--I mean was--the embodiment of the team (sorry Ichro--I mean RIP to all you brave souls). I was listening to the radio when I heard the news and was so close to tears I had to pull over my car. I felt like my wife had just told me that she had slept with 13 of my best friends and wanted to divorce me because she's going to marry my little brother because he's much better in the sack than me. At first I was in shock. Then deeply hurt and helpless. Talk about kicking a team and their fans when they are down.

And on another note, Snakes on a Plane is considered a box office disappointment. I say fuck it. I had the best time in years seeing the film and if American's are dumb enough not to realize that they should haven't seen it this past weekend, they not only need a new pastime, they need to get their head checked.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Last night we got rocked in our IO West Improv Cagematch. Boy, did we suck. It's probably a great thing that you guys didn't see it. It was probably painful. Oh well. Life goes on. We start class on saturday and I'm looking forward to that. I'm happy. Improv is great, even if we did choke. It happens to everyone once and a while.

Tonight: Snakes on a Plane. If you're going to see, it has to be this weekend. The audience is bound to be full of fun people looking for a good time. Mann Grauman's Chinese theatre, 10:20pm. I'm buying tickets in a few hours. As the 17 year old Brendan Griffin put's it, "It's 'Anaconda' with 'Con Air.' With Sam Jackson."

I'm proud to announce a Boy's Night Out Slumber Party this Labor Day weekend, Sept 2nd. I'm programming a night of so-bad-they're-good-movies. We did it about 4 month ago (yikes!-was it that long ago?) and it was a blast. Now I'm pressured--in a good way--to come up with a perfect lineup, complete with games and trailers and educational films, ect. That's going to be in the forefront of my thoughts for the next few weeks. I know a few of the things that are going to be shown, but honestly, I have piles and piles of movies I need to watch and judge to see if they are good enough to make my A-list of Bad Movies. (The Uninvited will definatly be shown, that's for sure.)

I'm listening to The Pipettes album and it's pretty good. Irv doesn't like it, but I enjoy the throwback to 50's girlbands. It's not original or anything, but it's nice. I recomend it, it just might put a smile on your face after you were trampled on stage in a competition the night before.

The Monday Mustache Club is practicing twice this week, saturday morning and again tuesday night, before we start our hard work on our first single for the single club (sept release, I think). I worry that Irv and Chris are taking the SC too seriously. I don't expect the utmost quality and professionalism for the songs we release for it--especially the first one for god's sake--but they do. We'll have to freakin' see. The songs are picked out, but if we balk on recording it, it might just end up, me with a guitar trying to cover Neko Case on a 4-track. Only time will tell. I have a feeling next weekend we need to attempt to record the damn thing.

Snakes on a Plane, man, Snakes on a freakin' Plane!!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I had a total relapse on my stop biting my fingernails thing. It was last week when I at the mariner game. I had gone good, cold turkey for weeks.

You know, the thing is, I don't care. I didn't see any advantages to having fingernails.

I played ultimate frisbee monday night and for the very last point I did an awkard dive to finish the game. I don't know if it was completely nessicary, but I was tired and wanted to be sure I didn't miss the catch in the endzone. Here's the thing: the spot where I dove, is quite possibly the only spot on the field where there wasn't any grass, so I scuffed up my knee and leg. It hurt, but you know, oh, well right?? We won. Well, it still freakin hurts. I've tried to keep the areas clean and have been pooring hydragen proxide on it, but it still hurts. I'm having to pop pain killers left and right not to mention, have to limp around everywhere. Why am I a wimp?

I finally, FINALLY got ahold of a Star Rock poster!!!! (Incase you need to be filled in, Star Rock is the UK release name for The Apple) I've been trying to get this piticular poster from someone in Ireland for going on two years. The man is older and I think he sort of closed up his poster business, but every 4-6 months I sent him an email and we would talk, and DAMMIT it worked! Now I need to get my French, Beligum and UK Apple poster framed. I just might have the largest poster collection for that movie in the world.

I am going to buy Dead Rising for xbox360 this weekend. I have hear nothing but good things and it is brilliant concept. It's Dawn of the Dead in a video game. You go around a mall and kill zombies with any object that isn't nailed to the ground: buckets, stuffed animals, shotguns, lawnmowers, rakes, ext. Sounds like music to my ears.

I found out last night while I was at the laundry mat that our 'my' improv team won their cagematch last week (I was out of town), so as winners 'we' have a show this thursday to defend our title. That's pretty sweet, I wish I could've been there last week, but oh well. Thursday night we will be out there in full force.

Speaking of the laundry mat. I take a small joy at going there, playing miss pacman and then giving whatever kids are watching me quarters so they can play the superviolent out of date videogame that next to it. The parents at the laundry mat just let there kids run wild. A little boy was just following me around yesterday, at first I was annoyed because he really sucked at videogames and ate up all my money, but after we were out of quater he asked, 'do you play soccer?' and we kinda kicked this small ball around for awhile, then I took a phone call and lost site of the kid. I grab my book and sat down. Then there was a tap on the outside window and it was the boy smiling and waving bye as he ran to his mom's car.

This is the second time in a row kids have said good-bye to me as they leave Lucy's. It's things like this that give me a little hope in the world.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

So I'm back. Hey guys.

Camp Columbia up at Cispus was amazing. It really means a lot to me to go up there even if for a short while. I forgot how empowering it is and how great the kids are. I (almost) got real choked up at the closing ceremony. This was my 9th year out of 10 going and participating in Washington Leadership camp. It was a ton of work and there was not much sleep but I loved every minute of it. I could go on and on on the details, but I think I'll keep them to myself for now. Just know, that I am a better, more inspired person because of it.

Back home, I got to hang out with Pat and Cory and the gang to see The Catch. It was great, it was like a very small, private-ish show. And the singer was dedicating songs to Cory like no tomorrow and I probably drank way to much (it's that damn mead!) Thanks guys for the good times.

I also went and saw a Mariners game. It was great. We had wonderful seats. On that note, I can't watch/listen to the Mariners anymore. It's just too painful. The past few seasons when we sucked, but I could root and cheer for them because they were the big underdogs. Now, they have potential and could've even made a decent run for the playoffs but they are throwing it all away, and it hurts. 13 straight losses to Oakland. I feel sick thinking about it...

Alright, on with the new. I really like the new Mates of State album. I haven't heard them for years, but I remember being disapointed with their second album because it sounded excatly like the first. Well, their cover art is scary, but they seem to have branched out and it's not perfect, but I like where it's going.

I'm going to be focusing on two things--scratch that--three things in the comming months.

First: Monday Moustache Singles Club. I am totally on board with recording the new music and distributing a monthy CD. Irv and I are getting our schedule together and should lay down the first two tracks in the coming weeks.

Second: My First Feature Script. I have some DVDs I wanna watch and take notes on and then I want to outline the damn thing and then write it. My goal is to have a rough draft by the end of the year. Oh man. I need to. I really love the idea.

Third: Contiue with Improv. I changed it to three, because I should keep this in the forefront. But yeah, I don't see me quitting anytime soon. My next level of classes starts on saturday. Whoo-hoo.

Have you guys been watching the new Venture Brothers?!?! It's really great. I hope that it's getting good ratings.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Camp 2006

The past few days I experienced the most amazing things at the UCB. So amazing that I am forever intimidated to step foot on stage there again. There are some talented freakin people in this town.

I am mainly writing to say that am going away to camp tomorrow morning so I probably won't be writing again for at least a week. It's going to be great!

Anyone wanna see The Descent with me? The movie has so much good buzz (and a kinda crappy poster) I'm sold. I'll happily give it my $12 so that I can support good horror movies that feature a group of girls die slowly. I'll try to see it this weekend, but hopefully it'll still be in theatres next weekend.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Man, I've been real bored at work. Hella, even. My mind is turning to mush. So much so, that I don't even know what to talk about... I'm looking forward to going home for the week. It'll be really cool to see The Catch with pat and cory and then on sunday I'll checkout the mariners play the A's [boo! hiss!]. Until then though, man, I have so little to do. I think things will pick up tomorrow, but--oh I should mention this... even though I'm kind of embarrassed of it. Well, I've spent way too much money the past few weeks. I know I've said that before, but truthfully I've been way to flagrent with money at resturants, online and elsewhere. I'm broke. It happens, I know, but I should be more responsible. I should save money too. Damn. Anyways, I can reflect on this at camp where you can't spend a cent.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Unexpected Joys

Yesterday I got an envelope from my car insurance agency. It was pretty much a bill, but when I read it, in my boredom--I had gotten off of work unexpectedly early--I noticed that my insurance went down 25%. That's great, I completed my first full year with CA car insurance and they reward me, starting next month with a huge drop in my monthly payment. This is just. This is right. I never even so much as called my insurance company in 12 full months and they reward me. As long as it's a one way street of me giving them money, this is how it should work. And shoot, when I hit 25 in January (my plan ends in Febuary I think) it should take another big drop right? I'm just happy that I can keep another $25 bucks a month. It doesn't seem that much that I mention it now, but the bill seems much smaller.

Band practice tonight. Sweet. First time in a couple weeks. Hopefully once I get back from camp, we can figure out a good place to hold regular practices. I plan on recording this one to and if any of it's good, I might leak it your way...