Thursday, November 30, 2006

If you recall an earlier post of things I desired, a la-z-boy was one of them. Well, I was at my aunt and uncles the day after thanksgiving and in the neighborhood was a garage sale. I was waiting for the LSU game to start, so I checked it out and there I was, for lack of better word, greeted by a unpleasant man who was hauling everything back into his garage. It was 10:30 in the a.m. so I was a bit confused, but I suspect that the sale was an event the wife made him do or something. He muttered, "if there's anything you want it's basically free" and continued to take stuff inside. Well there was something: a green recliner. But it wouldn't fit in my car would it. One of dudes kids said, "it comes apart" and disassembled the chair into two pieces. Asked how much and the guy said I could just take it. Upon further inspection the chair was covered in cat hair and had a could of stains. I barely was able to shove it into my back seat and trunk and went to target and got some masking tape, carpet cleaner and fabreez. A few hour later I had it looked pretty good. And my uncle looked at it and said it was an official La-Z-Boy. Bam. Voila! One of the things on my wishlist complete.

I have been playing a lot of Gears of War in that recliner. Speaking of which, I hear adam and pat and all them played a big 'ol online game of it thanksgiving evening. Thanks for the call guys. I was hope alone crying myself to sleep.... Or watching Cruel Intentions 2... I can't remember which.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Thanksgiving was pretty good. It was real cool to just relax for 4 days. I wrote more about it earlier in the week but shut my computer off before I posted it... It wasn't that informative...

Man, I watched an episode of Nip/Tuck last night and by god, it's gotten me hooked. I need more, stat! Also, has anyone watched Voltron on Adult Swim? I heard they were starting to show it and it might be worth a watching. I like the 5am showings of the Mr. T's and Super Harlem Globe Trotters cartoons. Oh Mr. T. You teach such good lessons.

Speaking of TV. Dave and I are getting Direct TV installed this weekend. Fuck Time Warner. This probably would never have happened if TW hadn't of canceled the NFL network, but they have to be assholes and the girl on the phone has to say, "come on guys, it's just six games". Six games, bitch? No. It's more than that. It's got highlight shows that don't try to be amateur comedy hour and don't have guest appearances by Christian slater or whatever starts of Desperate Housewives to pimp their dumb ass show on ABC. No they have Rich Eissian (I love you man) and anchors that actually know and care what they talk about. And they show every pre-season game and have more seahawks coverage than any other station. Six games?? That alone is enough to want to switch. On top of that, we are going to get Fox Sports World & the Fox Soccer Channel--which coincidentally had a "free premium channel preview" on Time Warner this weekend--and guess what? It ruled. I found joy in waking up on a saturday morning and watching the live Man U/Chelsea match in my underwear. I'll get that pleasure again starting this weekend thank you very much. (And now you have reason to come visit Pat.)

This week is flying by really quick, which comes as a surprise because I expect a 5 day work week to move at a slug's pace after the long weekend. I think it's in part because of the fact that we're heading into the studio this weekend to record. How crazy is that? I'm a bit nervous, but it's more of an organizational thing to make sure everything will go smooth. These next two weeks (weekends, really) will be focused on that. I think we're shooting to record 4 songs and now I'm second guessing what songs we should actually do, but screw it, we're staying the course. We're practicing tonight, on friday we'll swing by the studio and have Chris and Irv take a look at it and then we'll wakeup on saturday and get to it. That's it.

I'm still having fantasies of moving to the Dominican Republic for a month come February... That would be nice.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving is almost here and I'm really looking forward to the extended weekend.

A Movie for the Season:

Blood Freak.

It is a 70's movie about a guy who eats some experimental turkey meat and then as a side effect his head turns into a TURKEY!!!

If your looking for a wonderful read, head on over to the kissing suzy blog because Big Daddy's Drew thanksgiving itineary is much better than anything I could ever possibly come up with.

Monday, November 20, 2006

In order to take my mind off of talking about a certain game I went to, I will use this opportunity and 95 degree weather to talk about the hot, hot, hot items Brad could use in his life right now.


Not counting the hyatt I was at two nights ago, it's been over week since I ran out. It's essential for my good looks. Cost: $4


Man it would be bitchin to be able to grow my own food. And better for me. I really need one of these. Cost: Who knows?


Comics are bound to make me happy. This one, even if with a forward by George Lucus, will still be able to do the trick. Cost: $33


I'm sick of our old gross orange chair. I deserve better. This is it. Cost: $550


This doesn't come out until, like, March. Fuck that. Hook a brotha up. Cost: $40 + time travel expenses


I'm tired of wearing glasses. 'Nuff said. Cost: $4,000 and awkward laser blasts to the face.


I've accumulated a bunch of 7 inches that I'd love to listen to but I can't. Because you need a record player to do that. Cost: $100 ish


I'll have to wait 2 more weeks for such a find. Turistas opens Dec 1st. Now if only I could direct something like this in my professional career...

Friday, November 17, 2006

Oh man, I had a pretty F-ed UP dream last night where I was on a road trip with Liam we got into an accident. A red corvette going like 100mph gets hit in the back just as we slam on the brakes and it crashes into us and I look back the car goes through us, my body, guts and all, explode. The back of what's left of my upper half fly in the air and hits the ground and it's excrushatingly painful. I'm dead. I close my eyes, praying for an after life. All is black. I open them and I'm awake, staring at the ceiling...

Here's the thing, my back, which in my dream was scraped against the concrete in the dream, is completely numb. Numb! It still tingles as I write this. Creep-fucking-y!

At this point I have conclude that your body can hurt itself on just thought alone. You know those Sci-fi movies dealing with Virtual Reality where they're like, if you die in the game, you die in real life? I always thought that was a hack-ie and lame. Not anymore. I've got the chills still. Fuck man. Fuck. Make my back stop be numb right now.

I have no idea how to transition that...

I just forced myself to write my traffic violation check to the LA superior court. Bastards. Did you know that you have to pay an extra $39 to "be approved" to take traffic school so the ticket doesn't show up on your record. Bastards, I say again! Anyways, I'm not rushing to plop the $190 envelope into the mail.

It's now friday. Things have been hella slow this week. So much so, I brought in Space ghost and Monty Python DVDs to ease the boredom. Saturday and San Francisco can't come soon enough.

I got a call from the fam' requesting a christmas list. Now every year I get this call and most times I'm like, don't call me until after thanksgiving, but the Hurst Household gets on the ball quick when it comes to buying gifts so I was pretty much expecting it. I scrapped some ideas together--many of them the same as last year. I can't get excited about christmas yet. I can't because I will be working all the way up to it and flying home the night before christmas eve. I can't because--let me enjoy thanksgiving dammit! I don't wanna see a damn tree or lights ups. Save it for at least a week. Please!?!?

Dave and I watched Cruel Intentions 3.

It was fun. I own it. So... you are more than welcome to borrow it if you're not too embarrassed to ask. (Stomp Tokyo has a not-that-great review here. But a MUCH better read is their Cruel Intentions 2 review!!!)

I'm sorry if I've let all my Baction lovers down. Truthfully I feel somewhat uninspired to do baction reviews. I've kind of hopped genres and am focused on horror right now.... But! (it's a mildly big, but) Thanksgiving weekend, I plan on doing nothing except play video games and watch tv. Soooooo.... I will try to get back on board the Post apocolyptic bactionness.

I'm on the fence about the Nintendo Wii. I want one--don't get me wrong--I just don't know how much I feel I want. I don't know my own level of desire. Do I want to lineup and wait for one? Kinda. Can I wait until next year and the hype has died down. Yeah... It seems fun, but I donno. I really want it to come out so I can hear what people are saying about it.

I'm unbelievably addicted to Wowee Zowee: Sorrid Sentinals edition. I live my life according to Pavement now. That's what I do. I can't stop listening to it.

Anyways, San Francisco this weekend which is going to be fun. Hopefully I can't brag about the adventures, football, craziness and ladies on monday.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sorry I haven't written lately. I was fighting a cold last week and felt uninspired, then I was also really busy at work, which is where I do most my writing and, in short, I have failed you loyal readers.

On to the week: I'm just chugging along waiting for the holidays to come. I am making an active effort to save money, which is always a goal, but even more so down the stretch. I'm going to be more honest in my blogs when talking about money, I might mention monetary values but it's not to brag at all, it's to sort out my thoughts because I am at a new time in my life and it's on the forefront of my mind a lot of time--not because my mind is spinning by dreams of what I can spend mounds of money on, quite the opposite, I'm trying to save for the future so years down the line I can't buy a house or blow it on making a film or something. If this stuff bores you, again I apologize. But on the other hand I do want to have a great time and not be a tightwad or whatever. I'm spending much less now (my goal is about under 300 a week + rent) if that sound like a lot, it may be, but am very casual with the funds of recently. It's not uncommon for me to spend $60 on sundays to watch the seahawks and the same amount on a friday or saturday (an a lot of times friday&saturday) and in the $10-$15 for lunch everyday, then casual expenses, add in casual online ordering and poof. That's gone.

Why am I saving? Sure, for Christmas. But Dave and I are heading to San Francisco for our second year in a row to see the Seahawks game. Pretty damn sweet! We bought flights this time, so no driving and it's going to be great. I'm really looking forward to the trip and it's been dominating my mind all week. I have fond memories of last year and it's going to be great fun.

This year for thanksgiving I'm going to be trying a new tradition. Ever since Adam left, thanksgiving hasn't been the same at my aunt and uncles. Part of it is the addition of my cousins' bf/gf's, but it's just not the same without him. This year my uncle and aunt are going over to someone I don't know's house and dining there... I'm pretty sure I won't feel that comfortable. I know I'm welcome to go, but I won't make me feel welcome--I'm being pessimistic--the thing I love about my uncle's T-day is its super laid back. I'm sure that's not going to change. But, honestly don't want to drive all the way down to the OC if I can help it. I'm happy to do it, but I really don't wanna be on the road that day. So, I'm going to try eating this year with Maileen and JJ. It might be a disaster, but I'm going to try it because I need a new tradition. I was close to going home up to Seattle for it, but the flights are just too much. The more I talk to JJ and his brother about it the more excited I am. (On the reverse side of it, I was excited for JJ's trip here last year and he acted like a bastard the entire time, but let's put that behind us....)

The other reason I'm saving money, is the worst kept secret ever: we, "the band" are heading into "the studio" to "record". There, I said it. Cat's out of the bag. Originally we were going to record a couple tracks for a christmas cd, but we couldn't align our schedules soon enough. It's an exciting, yet frightening thing. That's going to be the second weekend in december.

I finally--FINALLY--got the Wowee-Zowee double disc I pre-ordered from Matador. I haven't listened to much of it, but it sounds great. The original songs sound... richer. Maybe my ipod has low quality version but, never the less, it's great. I haven't listened to any of the bonus songs. It's 50 tracks so it'll take a while to get through.

Dude, I'm on a 80's slasher kick. I donno, I wanna make one because there just aren't any good one's (aka non-campy) that have been made for as long as I can remember (Mmmm... Scream?)
Actually I'm considering a camp slasher film. Why not? You've got friday the 13th and Sleepaway camp. I've got camp experience, I think I could put a twist on it...

Maybe my biological clock is off because I missed the octobor horror train. I'm feeling it in november. Have you checked out the trailer for Turistas? Sign me up. Olivia Wilde is a hottie...

If you want professional updates you got 'em:

DOA - I don't know if this will ever come out. It got pushed again this time TBA. My thinking is feburary, but who knows. It's going to be released on DVD in UK in december....

On the other side of things, for the second year in a row, a movie I worked on is premiering at sundance. Alpha Dog last year and the one I'm currently working on (I won't disclose the title until I'm done working on it) is playing this time around... (Ooooh. Aaahhhhh. Why yes ladies, I'm taking applications for a wife right now.)

And finally, Adam has stated that I have to buy Gears of War for the xbox360. I will. It's like resident evil meets halo. That's heaven to my ears.

[EDIT: I forgot to mention Maniac Cop comes to DVD today. That's another horror series from my childhood that... well... had Bruce Campbell in it at least...]

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hey Dunwatt, did you catch Monday Night Football last night? (it's a dumb question, I think I know the answer too...) Well you missed--drum roll please--A Brian Bozworth appearance!!!!!!! Not just a shot of him, but 5+ minutes of Q&A after a blessed introduction:

Tirico: And now in the booth, Brian Bosworth, who once starred in the movie "Stone Cold".

Joe Theisman: One of my all time favorite movies.

I shit you not. Unfortunately it was loud at the bar I was at so I didn't get to hear the whole thing (I tivo-ed it, thank god.) I'm pretty sure the conversation was mostly about transitioning from a professional football player into an actor...

And P.S. The Boz had his head completely shaved and it looked weird...
And the game was pretty painful to watch after the first quarter...

I'm crossing my fingers that I get the new Wowie-Zowie double disc in the mail today. I pre-ordered it and I got a thing thursday or friday that said that it had been shipped. I'm listening to the free live concert they let you download in anticipation. Mmmmmmm... Free concert...

I'm playing fantasy football in 2 different leagues. I'm 7-2 in both right now, which is good for 1st place in one and 2nd in the other. I think I found a new talent, that requires none.

I'll tell where I wish I had more talent: The stock market. My stocks have taken a pretty big hit the past two weeks, but I guess seem to be rebounding alright. I'm pretty much holding on to them for the long run so I should really stop looking daily and revisit them 6 months from now...

Friday, November 03, 2006

The New Beverly is having a double bill of Re-Animator & Dead Alive!!!! I'm in heaven!

There's also a video of Super Smash Bros for the new nintendo system. I'm sold. Give me a drop spot and the cash will be there.

I've also really enjoyed KEXP broadcasting live from CMJ in NY this. It's been nice.

Dave's back from Purto Rico. He failed to bring back any rum--and while he has his reasons--he gets a big fat ZERO for effort. Zero! He did convince me to spend summer in the Dominican Republic... maybe not all of it, but some portion of it you will find me there.

I'm reading this book called The Omnivore's Dilemma and it really gotten me to think about the food I put into my body. In other words: I'm attempting to be even healthier.

This weekend seems like a wash. I have to work all day Sunday so Saturday seems like it will be just me vegging-out as way of pouting (Hey man, I earned it"). The Huskies are on national tv so I'll probably watch that to make up for missing football on sunday. Seahawks are on monday (thank goodness) and I really hope we don't drop a game to the radiers. That would pretty much put a stake in my heart.

I bought a plane ticket to go home for Christmas. It's only for a week though, so mark your calenders: Dec. 23 I arrive in town.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Halloween 2006, will probably fade away in the memory books. Nothing exciting. It was nice though. Our building is right on the corner of the West Hollywood parade & Carnival so if we didn't leave by one in the afternoon, we wouldn't be able drive home, so, I enjoyed a half day of work. Didn't do too much with it. I did laundry, met Irv for a drink then went home, put on my camp rolling hills t-shirt and viewed Troll 2 & Sleepaway Camp 2 back-to-back. Very enjoyable.

You know why I can't get into Halloween this, year and probably the previous years? The horror movies that come out in Oct... I don't wanna see The Grudge 2 or Saw III. I don't really like those franchises. And the new TCMs really suck. In fact, I didn't even like the old ones. Make something original and fun. I'd rather see (the first ever direct-to-download) Incubus, a horror movie starring Tara Reid. Put that hunk-o-junk on the big screen in october and I'll be there. What the heck am I going to do with a movie I can only buy to watch on my computer? Why would I even consider watching it even?

Tara Reid's looking old in a movie that's 2 years old...

The Onion AV Club has a pretty good article about the state of horror in film and while I don't completely agree with the dudes' taste (Devil's Reject is a pile of shit...), it's still a good read.

In other news, I'm trying to learn how to design websites. We'll see how that goes.