Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Halloween 2006, will probably fade away in the memory books. Nothing exciting. It was nice though. Our building is right on the corner of the West Hollywood parade & Carnival so if we didn't leave by one in the afternoon, we wouldn't be able drive home, so, I enjoyed a half day of work. Didn't do too much with it. I did laundry, met Irv for a drink then went home, put on my camp rolling hills t-shirt and viewed Troll 2 & Sleepaway Camp 2 back-to-back. Very enjoyable.

You know why I can't get into Halloween this, year and probably the previous years? The horror movies that come out in Oct... I don't wanna see The Grudge 2 or Saw III. I don't really like those franchises. And the new TCMs really suck. In fact, I didn't even like the old ones. Make something original and fun. I'd rather see (the first ever direct-to-download) Incubus, a horror movie starring Tara Reid. Put that hunk-o-junk on the big screen in october and I'll be there. What the heck am I going to do with a movie I can only buy to watch on my computer? Why would I even consider watching it even?

Tara Reid's looking old in a movie that's 2 years old...

The Onion AV Club has a pretty good article about the state of horror in film and while I don't completely agree with the dudes' taste (Devil's Reject is a pile of shit...), it's still a good read.

In other news, I'm trying to learn how to design websites. We'll see how that goes.


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