Friday, November 17, 2006

Oh man, I had a pretty F-ed UP dream last night where I was on a road trip with Liam we got into an accident. A red corvette going like 100mph gets hit in the back just as we slam on the brakes and it crashes into us and I look back the car goes through us, my body, guts and all, explode. The back of what's left of my upper half fly in the air and hits the ground and it's excrushatingly painful. I'm dead. I close my eyes, praying for an after life. All is black. I open them and I'm awake, staring at the ceiling...

Here's the thing, my back, which in my dream was scraped against the concrete in the dream, is completely numb. Numb! It still tingles as I write this. Creep-fucking-y!

At this point I have conclude that your body can hurt itself on just thought alone. You know those Sci-fi movies dealing with Virtual Reality where they're like, if you die in the game, you die in real life? I always thought that was a hack-ie and lame. Not anymore. I've got the chills still. Fuck man. Fuck. Make my back stop be numb right now.

I have no idea how to transition that...

I just forced myself to write my traffic violation check to the LA superior court. Bastards. Did you know that you have to pay an extra $39 to "be approved" to take traffic school so the ticket doesn't show up on your record. Bastards, I say again! Anyways, I'm not rushing to plop the $190 envelope into the mail.

It's now friday. Things have been hella slow this week. So much so, I brought in Space ghost and Monty Python DVDs to ease the boredom. Saturday and San Francisco can't come soon enough.

I got a call from the fam' requesting a christmas list. Now every year I get this call and most times I'm like, don't call me until after thanksgiving, but the Hurst Household gets on the ball quick when it comes to buying gifts so I was pretty much expecting it. I scrapped some ideas together--many of them the same as last year. I can't get excited about christmas yet. I can't because I will be working all the way up to it and flying home the night before christmas eve. I can't because--let me enjoy thanksgiving dammit! I don't wanna see a damn tree or lights ups. Save it for at least a week. Please!?!?

Dave and I watched Cruel Intentions 3.

It was fun. I own it. So... you are more than welcome to borrow it if you're not too embarrassed to ask. (Stomp Tokyo has a not-that-great review here. But a MUCH better read is their Cruel Intentions 2 review!!!)

I'm sorry if I've let all my Baction lovers down. Truthfully I feel somewhat uninspired to do baction reviews. I've kind of hopped genres and am focused on horror right now.... But! (it's a mildly big, but) Thanksgiving weekend, I plan on doing nothing except play video games and watch tv. Soooooo.... I will try to get back on board the Post apocolyptic bactionness.

I'm on the fence about the Nintendo Wii. I want one--don't get me wrong--I just don't know how much I feel I want. I don't know my own level of desire. Do I want to lineup and wait for one? Kinda. Can I wait until next year and the hype has died down. Yeah... It seems fun, but I donno. I really want it to come out so I can hear what people are saying about it.

I'm unbelievably addicted to Wowee Zowee: Sorrid Sentinals edition. I live my life according to Pavement now. That's what I do. I can't stop listening to it.

Anyways, San Francisco this weekend which is going to be fun. Hopefully I can't brag about the adventures, football, craziness and ladies on monday.


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