Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hey Dunwatt, did you catch Monday Night Football last night? (it's a dumb question, I think I know the answer too...) Well you missed--drum roll please--A Brian Bozworth appearance!!!!!!! Not just a shot of him, but 5+ minutes of Q&A after a blessed introduction:

Tirico: And now in the booth, Brian Bosworth, who once starred in the movie "Stone Cold".

Joe Theisman: One of my all time favorite movies.

I shit you not. Unfortunately it was loud at the bar I was at so I didn't get to hear the whole thing (I tivo-ed it, thank god.) I'm pretty sure the conversation was mostly about transitioning from a professional football player into an actor...

And P.S. The Boz had his head completely shaved and it looked weird...
And the game was pretty painful to watch after the first quarter...

I'm crossing my fingers that I get the new Wowie-Zowie double disc in the mail today. I pre-ordered it and I got a thing thursday or friday that said that it had been shipped. I'm listening to the free live concert they let you download in anticipation. Mmmmmmm... Free concert...

I'm playing fantasy football in 2 different leagues. I'm 7-2 in both right now, which is good for 1st place in one and 2nd in the other. I think I found a new talent, that requires none.

I'll tell where I wish I had more talent: The stock market. My stocks have taken a pretty big hit the past two weeks, but I guess seem to be rebounding alright. I'm pretty much holding on to them for the long run so I should really stop looking daily and revisit them 6 months from now...


At 12:26 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

Joe Theismann is my motherfucking hero.


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