Friday, November 03, 2006

The New Beverly is having a double bill of Re-Animator & Dead Alive!!!! I'm in heaven!

There's also a video of Super Smash Bros for the new nintendo system. I'm sold. Give me a drop spot and the cash will be there.

I've also really enjoyed KEXP broadcasting live from CMJ in NY this. It's been nice.

Dave's back from Purto Rico. He failed to bring back any rum--and while he has his reasons--he gets a big fat ZERO for effort. Zero! He did convince me to spend summer in the Dominican Republic... maybe not all of it, but some portion of it you will find me there.

I'm reading this book called The Omnivore's Dilemma and it really gotten me to think about the food I put into my body. In other words: I'm attempting to be even healthier.

This weekend seems like a wash. I have to work all day Sunday so Saturday seems like it will be just me vegging-out as way of pouting (Hey man, I earned it"). The Huskies are on national tv so I'll probably watch that to make up for missing football on sunday. Seahawks are on monday (thank goodness) and I really hope we don't drop a game to the radiers. That would pretty much put a stake in my heart.

I bought a plane ticket to go home for Christmas. It's only for a week though, so mark your calenders: Dec. 23 I arrive in town.


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