Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sorry I haven't written lately. I was fighting a cold last week and felt uninspired, then I was also really busy at work, which is where I do most my writing and, in short, I have failed you loyal readers.

On to the week: I'm just chugging along waiting for the holidays to come. I am making an active effort to save money, which is always a goal, but even more so down the stretch. I'm going to be more honest in my blogs when talking about money, I might mention monetary values but it's not to brag at all, it's to sort out my thoughts because I am at a new time in my life and it's on the forefront of my mind a lot of time--not because my mind is spinning by dreams of what I can spend mounds of money on, quite the opposite, I'm trying to save for the future so years down the line I can't buy a house or blow it on making a film or something. If this stuff bores you, again I apologize. But on the other hand I do want to have a great time and not be a tightwad or whatever. I'm spending much less now (my goal is about under 300 a week + rent) if that sound like a lot, it may be, but am very casual with the funds of recently. It's not uncommon for me to spend $60 on sundays to watch the seahawks and the same amount on a friday or saturday (an a lot of times friday&saturday) and in the $10-$15 for lunch everyday, then casual expenses, add in casual online ordering and poof. That's gone.

Why am I saving? Sure, for Christmas. But Dave and I are heading to San Francisco for our second year in a row to see the Seahawks game. Pretty damn sweet! We bought flights this time, so no driving and it's going to be great. I'm really looking forward to the trip and it's been dominating my mind all week. I have fond memories of last year and it's going to be great fun.

This year for thanksgiving I'm going to be trying a new tradition. Ever since Adam left, thanksgiving hasn't been the same at my aunt and uncles. Part of it is the addition of my cousins' bf/gf's, but it's just not the same without him. This year my uncle and aunt are going over to someone I don't know's house and dining there... I'm pretty sure I won't feel that comfortable. I know I'm welcome to go, but I won't make me feel welcome--I'm being pessimistic--the thing I love about my uncle's T-day is its super laid back. I'm sure that's not going to change. But, honestly don't want to drive all the way down to the OC if I can help it. I'm happy to do it, but I really don't wanna be on the road that day. So, I'm going to try eating this year with Maileen and JJ. It might be a disaster, but I'm going to try it because I need a new tradition. I was close to going home up to Seattle for it, but the flights are just too much. The more I talk to JJ and his brother about it the more excited I am. (On the reverse side of it, I was excited for JJ's trip here last year and he acted like a bastard the entire time, but let's put that behind us....)

The other reason I'm saving money, is the worst kept secret ever: we, "the band" are heading into "the studio" to "record". There, I said it. Cat's out of the bag. Originally we were going to record a couple tracks for a christmas cd, but we couldn't align our schedules soon enough. It's an exciting, yet frightening thing. That's going to be the second weekend in december.

I finally--FINALLY--got the Wowee-Zowee double disc I pre-ordered from Matador. I haven't listened to much of it, but it sounds great. The original songs sound... richer. Maybe my ipod has low quality version but, never the less, it's great. I haven't listened to any of the bonus songs. It's 50 tracks so it'll take a while to get through.

Dude, I'm on a 80's slasher kick. I donno, I wanna make one because there just aren't any good one's (aka non-campy) that have been made for as long as I can remember (Mmmm... Scream?)
Actually I'm considering a camp slasher film. Why not? You've got friday the 13th and Sleepaway camp. I've got camp experience, I think I could put a twist on it...

Maybe my biological clock is off because I missed the octobor horror train. I'm feeling it in november. Have you checked out the trailer for Turistas? Sign me up. Olivia Wilde is a hottie...

If you want professional updates you got 'em:

DOA - I don't know if this will ever come out. It got pushed again this time TBA. My thinking is feburary, but who knows. It's going to be released on DVD in UK in december....

On the other side of things, for the second year in a row, a movie I worked on is premiering at sundance. Alpha Dog last year and the one I'm currently working on (I won't disclose the title until I'm done working on it) is playing this time around... (Ooooh. Aaahhhhh. Why yes ladies, I'm taking applications for a wife right now.)

And finally, Adam has stated that I have to buy Gears of War for the xbox360. I will. It's like resident evil meets halo. That's heaven to my ears.

[EDIT: I forgot to mention Maniac Cop comes to DVD today. That's another horror series from my childhood that... well... had Bruce Campbell in it at least...]


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