Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I slept for over 13 hours last night. I've been battling a cold the past two days. It hasn't been bad enough to complain about, but I want to make sure that it's gone by saturday. So my flight saturday doesn't get in until 8:30ish pm. Ugh. I'll be home for less than a week. Oh, well.

One of my buddies call me up last night (while I was asleep) and asked if I wanted a PS3. While the idea is intriguing, I have no desire for one, even at face value, even if no one has one. I called up and declined, but it's nice to have an "in," so to speak.

My home wireless internet that I steal has been down for two nights now and I'm starting to get alarmed. It's reaching the longest it's ever been out. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping whoever's it is, is on christmas vacation or something and hasn't reset the router. I really am itching to play xbox online....

Speaking of which, xbox live last night unveiled a Halo 3 documentary, which is all about the brutes. I watched it without sound once and will watch it with sound after I get done writing this.

My feet and hands are cold and it's only 60 degrees outside....

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas is forthcoming. I haven't really thought about it too much. I did finish off my shopping though. Yey.

So we mixed the songs of our demo/ep thingy. And, well, let me start off by saying that it sounds great. I'm very happy with it and the process as a whole. That being said I can't say it's completed because there are a few issues with levels and one song that need the ending completely redone. When that will happen I donno. But I might post a track or give out a few cds to some special people... I think we are going to have a cd/birthaday/houseparty show at the end of january. I'll keep you posted.

I won both my fantasy games! Yes. I pulled one out of my ass last night when I witness carson palmer dump on the field for my opponent. Yes. Man. Oh yes. Just one game separates me from $250 and the chance to brag like no other. Christmas Eve games man. Christmas Eve!

Other than that, we are wrapping up things here at work for the holiday and the movie. It's done folks. We're done. That's exciting and scary because I'll be out of work soon...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I'm sooooo excited. I just downloaded Carissa's Wierd's first, long out of print album, You Should be at home here. Hot damn. I recommend you do the same. I had my original cd stolen a long time ago and well, it real hard to replace. is a saint. You can download all their albums from there. I'm totally in the zone.

I was listening to the Yeti Vol. 1 cd and the had an unreleased Carissa's Wierd song on it and it really made me miss the band. (Yes. I totally remember the day when at slow and boring as fuck band opened for Modest Mouse at the crystal ballroom...) I haven't really gotten into Band of Horses, but then again I don't hate them. From what I heard they just remind me of the shins.

It was awesome playing Gears of War online with the boys from back home. It really gets me excited for my trip home. I might also be addicted to GoW online play. I have now played really late the past few nights. I think I'm getting better. I even got 13 kills one round. When I lead the team in kills, that's not a good time.

That's about it for today. I've got some video game playing until I proceed to take an ultra long lunch, return for more wii-ing and then leave early for the seahawks-49er game.

Ah. Today is a good day of work.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ugh. Work. Work. Work.

The past few work days have lasted into the wee hours of the night. It's to be expected. We are (shockingly) going to finish on schedule, which I still can't believe. It's sort of a win-win / lose-lose situation. It's great because life will be better when we stop working on this movie that's just not going to be any good. It'll bomb hardcore. On the other hand, when we stop working, I stop getting paid.... That being said, supposedly I'm supposed to help out with this Roger Waters music video as soon as the movie wraps. (Josh'll be excited I'm sure.) I'm excited because, in my grand scheme of things, I hope to continue working throughout the end of january. Then I plan on taking a 3+ week trip to belize/cancun/guatemala in febuary or march. Ah yes. That's what I think about now.

I have most my christmas shopping done. I need to pick up a few gift certificates but that'll be it I think. I have like 20 amazon packages set to adam's house which is funny. I won't be able to enter the room. I kinda went overboard this year, which is fine. I'm pretty happy about the outcome of the year. I could be depressed and yadda, yadda, yadda, but I worked all year, more than doubled my yearly income, joined the editing union and screened my films at Cannes. Not too shabby.

Because of not getting home until after 10 last night, I probably won't be able to make it to see the Re-Animator on the big screen tonight. Another life long goal I have yet to accomplish. There will be other times. I really, really need to do laundry... for the sake of others.

Friday I'll be hanging out at a holiday slumber party for my improv group--or as dave would refer to it--an all night pussy party. He's not wrong. It will be. A nice warm fire, pillows and panties. Sure, sure. Sure, sure. Mix in some holiday mead and you've got the closest to heaven you can find in LA.

This is my first year doing fantasy football and I'm playing in two different leagues. I feel pretty good because in both I advanced to the playoff. After dominating both leagues at the beginning of the season I have lost 7 of 8 the past four weeks... so things don't look to good for me. I will be shocked if in either league a person wins that doesn't own LT. I'm number 4 seed in the league where I stand to win $200, but I go up against LT, Palmer and Gates... I probably should give up, but not me, it is the season of miracles you know. Anything can happen....

Monday, December 11, 2006

Fox Soccer Channel = Awesome. I will be watching many more premiership games in the coming months. I pray for unemployment so I can watch live games, like the one on today at noon. Seriously, back to back live games on saturday starting at 3am. Count me in. I don't need to wait for the world cup 2010. Dish network man, I change my opinion of you. Between FSC and Boomerang I could watch tv all day.

On saturday we finished up our studio recording. All and all I guess it went well. This weekend we mix the tracks and then, wow, done. What do we do with the four songs after that? I donno. But it's promising. I always feel I can do better but I think it's a valiant effort. It's a learning process for sure. I really like one of the tracks, well, 3 of the 4 tracks are in pretty good shape. The other is a love-hate relationship. We'll see. There's still a of work to be done.

So today and tomorrow they are showing a Re-animator / Dead Alive double feature. I really wanna go but I have too--have to--do laundry today and tomorrow I have a dilemia because I planned on ditching my improv practice to see sarah silverman.... I think the double feature is more important kids...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I got some new posters in the mail and decided to hang this one up:

It's a double-feature poster and I love it because it says "his and her horror" at the top. The movies are Daughters of Satan & Superbeast. I'm sure they're terrible. I got another one that say "orgy of violence" at the top because poster is for two violent dramas, but it's more for when I'm in a b-noir mood. As soon as I get another frame I can hang up my A Boy and His Dog poster which has been sitting on the shelf.

closer looks:

So I was reading a lot from the archive of My Life As A Loser a blog (now a published book) from Will Leitch the editor over at yesterday and between that and Dunwatt's newish, more self loathing-ish blog. I felt like a genuine loser. That's right. I felt like--these guys have it easy. I totally suck more than them. My competitive nature kicked in, it's naturally selective only to things I have a chance on winning, and the rest of the day I just was pitying myself. I went to a rock show, drunk, as well as alone. I ran into a friend who was with a girl and then almost instantly he was like I'll be right back and then disappeared and then the show ended and I saw him talking with other girl in the back corner. A down and drunk me, who had done nothing but read about self-loathing all day, instantly determined that he was obviously trying to avoid me and my __(any number of said characteristics a pathetic person has)__.

I came my senses this morning. I have and will continue to have a drinking problem because I like it. I can turn my brain off and feel alright. I really don't need to start inebriated studying of my neurotic tendencies and how much I suck then turn that into how much better I'd be if I could wittily put my depressing nature down on paper where at least people would be able to giggle at it/me. Sorry. I'll leave that to you guys. I'm starting to think to much and I really don't like writing. I'm not really taking a stab at anyone right now, I'm just saying that as much as you folks inspire me, I'll fight my depression instead of giving in. That may change at some point. Who know....

Anyways, Tralala was pretty good. And Safari Sam's the new club that opened down the street aways is awesome. They also have Angel City Ale on draft which I totally recommend.

I had more stuff I was going to write about but I forgot. My mind is kind of fried from playing Wii Bowling most the day...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This morning I awoke only to spit up a bunch of blood. If my pillowcase is any indicator, I had a bloody nose last night. Instead of flowing out of my nose though, it seems to have just poured into me and down my throat. As a result I have a stomach ache from what I can only assume is a belly full of blood.

Gross, I know. But it's true. Ugh. I don't feel good.

UPDATE: I just had some triscuts. I feel a little better.

I image that it's like Andy Warhol's Dracula where his assistant soaked up the wurgin's blood into a loaf of bread so he could transport it to Dracula.


Well, day one of studio recording is done and let me tell you: it's a whole new beast. Overall it went well. We laid down the drum and bass for 4 tracks. This weekend we go in to record the guitar and vocal parts. Chris put it best when he was like, you go in there and then it's oh shit, this is it--today's the day to show yourself and you have to right now. Anyways, I am a big fan of lo-fi non-professionalism and this is not going to be that. It probably sounds too good, but we'll see. There's still a bunch of recording to do along with mixing. Overall it was tiring and mildly of unfull-filling at this moment. We have a long way to go, but I think the result will be satisfactory. Hopefully you all will love the music we're making.

This whole week will feature me "practicing" playing guitar with a click track so I don't fuck it up when the time comes to shine....

Friday, December 01, 2006

It's December kids!

Yesterday my check engine light came on in my car. Crap. Did I let it ruin my night? Nope. I did a little bit of decorating mainly because, well, it makes things a little better....