Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas is forthcoming. I haven't really thought about it too much. I did finish off my shopping though. Yey.

So we mixed the songs of our demo/ep thingy. And, well, let me start off by saying that it sounds great. I'm very happy with it and the process as a whole. That being said I can't say it's completed because there are a few issues with levels and one song that need the ending completely redone. When that will happen I donno. But I might post a track or give out a few cds to some special people... I think we are going to have a cd/birthaday/houseparty show at the end of january. I'll keep you posted.

I won both my fantasy games! Yes. I pulled one out of my ass last night when I witness carson palmer dump on the field for my opponent. Yes. Man. Oh yes. Just one game separates me from $250 and the chance to brag like no other. Christmas Eve games man. Christmas Eve!

Other than that, we are wrapping up things here at work for the holiday and the movie. It's done folks. We're done. That's exciting and scary because I'll be out of work soon...


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