Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Whining and Dining

Blogger's been having some serious issues lately. Boo-hoo on you.

Yesterday marked my first full on, red carpet hollywood premiere. Borat. I had written an entire description documenting my entire experience, all the stars, all the glamor, the free popcorn, but it was boring. Not the night, but my writing of it. Just know that I had a blast. Dave and I timidly walked down the red carpet into the Mann's Chinese. The movie itself, Borat, is very funny and down right shocking at time. It's obviously not for everybody, but if you think you might like it you probably will.

My 22 year old scotch that I ordered yesterday was not surprisingly sold out. I save some money, don't get the bottles.

I'm trying to get all excited for Halloween, but it hasn't happened yet. I wonder what it is. I blame Screamfest and sitting through Pumkinhead 3: Piece of Shit. I think it's also a problem because I really hate Saw, TCM and haven't given The Grudge a chance. Why can't there be something like Final Destination 4 out during friday the 13th of Oct?

Speaking of shitty movies how bad is Sleepaway Camp 4: Return to Sleepaway Camp going to be? It's been in the can for like 4 or 5 years. It must be really terrible.

All I really need to do is watch Sleepaway camp 1,2 &3 which is a semi-annual halloween tradition... but honestly, Sleepaway Camp 2&3 has lost points over the years to The Apple and Troll 2. Oooooooh. Maybe I should pop in SC2 and Troll 2 and call it a night.

"I get by with a little help from my friends"

If you wanna read something pretty fun and Halloween-er-iffic go on over to X-Entertainment's halloween countdown blog and read 4 years worth of excitment-filled October blogging.

As for Halloween, I'm probably going to go to my cousin's BBQ on saturday during the day and stop by the Oakcrest Manor's annual party after that. My big problem is that the Seahawks have a 10am game the next morning so I don't want to stay out too late and be miserable the next morning watching an even miserabler game.

In other, more sad news, Dave is leaving for Purto Rico in a couple of days so I won't have his camera to do photo Mead reviewing. I will try and get the god-like Jidwiga Mead photos off the camera and post them before is does. I'm sure he'll have fun...


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