Friday, October 20, 2006

I was listening to the radio last night when the a hiphop song basically called " I wanna get with a white girl" blast through the speakers. This idea isn't nessisarly new, but when to break it down it's pretty brilliant. Black people make up all of 12% of the american population so making a song about white girls who make up I donno approximatly 40% of the population you get a wider general audience right? Plus white dudes bump along to the song and completely agree with the lyrics. I totally wanna get with a white girl. The radio was also playing a Kevin Federline song I assume only because it was produced by Bosco. It was very run-of-the-mill. I remember back in high school I tracked down this Bosco song that was only available on import and just listen to it on the portable cd player throughout the night...

Have you pre-ordered your Wowie-Zowie double disc yet? I just did. I heard one of the live tracks and it's damn exciting.

Ugh. I saw Pumpkinhead 3 last night and was physically angry afterwards. It was a piece of shit. Like seriously after about 40 mintues I was having a serious debate on whether I was going to get up and walk out. It would have been easier if the theatre hadn't of been filled with only 45 people, over half being from the cast and the crew. I couldn't walk out with Lance Hendrickson sitting a few row in front of me, that would just be sad. But the movie was just sadder. I cannot explain the incompetence. Like, I understand the movie's going to be on the sci-fi channel but jesus christ man... I don't have the strenght to completely pick it apart, just take my word for it. That's two movies this year that have left me angry because they're such wastes of time and resources (the other being Material girls... I don't even wanna start on that can of worms.)

What the F is up with paper towels that rip off in to 3rds? I know it's idea is to be more conservative, ect, but dude, we'd be using a real towel or something if we were interested in saving the enviornment, that strip of paper towel doesn't do jack shit for wiping up a spill or holding an apple.

Is there anyone cooler than Guillermo Del Toro? He directed Hellboy (come on, Nazi's are GREAT bad guys!) and Pan's Labyrinth which was by far the best movie a saw at Cannes and now he's thinking about doing an HP Lovecraft movie? Count me in. Seriously, when Pan's Laybrinth comes out in december go see it. It's like the most sinister children's story I've seen and it's so well crafted.

I start a new improv class tomorrow. It's at the improv olympic. All my ucb folks are taking a break for the holiday season and then we'll see come the new year. To be honest I'm kinda getting burnt out, but it has really refined my look at creating stories and characters.


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