Monday, October 23, 2006

I lost today's post I had previously wrote. It was semi-inspired. I can only hope my re-enactment of it will be as much so...

Oh. Yes. The pain. I've kind of come to terms with the self-destructness and doom the Seahawks have awaiting in the coming weeks. I listend to the press conference since I moped and moaned this morning's the lost entry and Hasselbeck will be out for 3 games at least. This is bad news. The backup quarterback will be handing off to the backup running back in a situation that's not a 45-3 blowout. It's a long road to the (possible!?!) playoffs now... And even more so because in 4 weeks I'll be at the SF game and at that point the Seahawks could be realistically sitting at 5-4 from their 4-2 record right now.

I had to work on saturday, I would complain, but it was for 5 hours, I got paid 8 at double or two and a half times the normal rate added with all the extra hours I put in this week (9) I'll basically be getting an extra weeks pay. Neat. I did end up missing my new improv class. I think I'm going to cancel/postpone it. It's not the right time. Oh but when I came home on Friday I had recieved my third and final shipment of mead. Oh my god. The Jidwiga looks amazing! I have pictures and stuff forthcoming. I can't just drink the Jidwiga, I need a special occation or something. I cracked open the second best bottle from that batch and it was heavenly.

What have I done with my extra money? Have I already spent it? Well, not really, but I did just order some 22 year old scotch. I'm hoping it gets here by friday so I can celebrate a real two-day weekend and fat paycheck. I also bought a vintage (vintage baby!) harmony electric guitar. My straightup electric is a piece of junk that I bought of ebay for $100. So what to I do? I trade it in for an $80 guitar I bought on ebay. Yeah... don't ask me why I do the things I do.

I have tickets to the Borat premiere tonight.... so I could be doing that.... or working late.... we'll see... we'll see.


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