Thursday, October 19, 2006

I tried writing a few days ago but threw it out because it was not too interesting. This past week has been a rollicoaster of emotions, mainly just up and down, or good and bad.

My car was out of commision for about 5 days, which really sucked. It had me watching a lot of football over the weekend. The good thing to come out of it, was it was not my transmission giving me problems (thank god), so now, presumably, everything's all peachy.

I have not gotten my third shipment of mead yet. I should be today or tomorrow, which is super exciting given, the jidwiga mead is so close to reaching my lips. In other mean news, I drank without review the Mountain Meadow's Agave Mead, which was downright terrible. I didn't review it initially because I was in a bad mood and it was the only alcohol in the house. It was bad, so bad, that Dave ended up drinking most of it, another reason not to review it.

On saturday I went and saw Lily Allen (very... meeeah) but when it got out at the late hour of 10:40pm, Christina was like, 'hey you wanna go check out this real speakeasy'. I for one, didn't and still don't know that the definition of a speakeasy is, but I was like, sure. Boy, have I been lied to all my life! Those crazy underground parties you see in movies and shit, well, they do exist, I just haven't been cool enough to go I guess. (Then again, parties with Hookers and Blow exist too.. but make me uncomfortable) I was treated to: a dark alley with a big shady bouncer. We needed to give the passward to enter. We proceeded to enter the back of an art gallery, which had staircase, that lifted up to reveal a seceret basement. Down in the seceret basement, was a lot of smoking, people doing drugs, gambling, a dj spinning, girls dancing and of course a full cash bar in a place that obviously didn't have a liquor license. Can you say amazing!?! It was. I fully plan on being a part of that scene. It's not a one time thing, no sir, I will break into the underground... with the help of some friends...

Um. What else... I bought some stock in an oil company because oil prices are at a record low over the past year and a half and most anaylists (whoever they are) predict it can't get much lower. Oil stocks have dropped to. Enter me, bored, with money to burn. So lets see gas top 3.50 a gallon folks. Make it happen so I can get rich quick!

I won tickets to see a "special theatrical screening" of Pumpkinhead 3 a direct to video sequel tonight. We'll see how that goes. Why not? (because of mead.... mmmmmm. that's a tough one.)


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