Tuesday, April 18, 2006

So yesterday I won a pair of tickets to the My Barbarian show! Yeah, that's good because that's like $40 saved and to be honest, I am a devoted fan that surely deserves them. I've been to all their productions since Purple Eyes which was spring break 2004. That's a while now. Anyways, like I mentioned yesterday this is long overdue because Pagan Rights was really the last time they played and that was almost a year ago. I'm pretty excited if you haven't gathered.

In other news dispite all the people that have thus far made fun at me for joining myspace, an old good friend, Aaron Goodson has contacted me through there and that makes it all worthwhile. I miss Aaron am glad to be talking to him now. Every starving artist in NYC needs friends.

I've been wearing a new pair of glasses for 4 days now and nobody has said anything. I am taking it as a great compliment.

I did indeed sign up for another improv class yesterday, this time at IO West. I start at the end of the month and it will go through the end of june. Look at me, huh?

Hey so my first real film festival was The Florida Film Festival which played Claustrophobia in March 2004 (jesus, that was a long time ago). Anyways one of the guys there Brian emailed me yesterday and wants to play the film as part of this new showing short films in cafe thing. So Claustrophobia is playing in Flordia on monday and Timothy is playing in the OC the same day. Look at me, huh? Even better is I guess they are going to pay me $4 everytime they screen it. It's not much, but I'll take it.

That's about it for today, I'm going to have to take it easy with Baction Reviews because the producers are hanging out and I can't excatly watch movies during work with them here... I might update old review with screen caps and repost them on the new site this week.


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