Hello, I'm sitting here on this bright and shining morning feeling pretty darn good. I've been listening to this CD from a band called Ansty Pants. It's pretty childish, but a lot of fun. It's done by Kimya Dawson from the Moldy Peaches and (I think) a french kid, as in child. They sing a bunch of silly but fun songs. Check out their myspace page if you want. The CD is super short, that's the main problem I have with it--it's $5 for 11 songs, so you can't really complain. I am hooked on the Starbuck's plain bagels. I started toasting them at work--and by God--they are amazing. Perfect even. They have this nice buttery quailty and, well, try it for yourself sometime. Maybe part of it is actually toasting it yourself and activly becoming a part of the perfectness. It's really good. I just ate one. Improv class this saturday was the best one yet. It's all starting to click and on top of that I think a core friendship and trust is starting to form. After class about 6 of us and the teacher went out to lunch. Very cool. I'm sad that in like 4 weeks the class will be over. I watched a few VHS bad movies this weekend. One of them, Lady Terminator is definatly a bad action movie, but I wasn't really feeling it, so I don't know if I'm going to review it. I'm very excited to tell you though, that I'm finally going to get a package of DVD from a super seceret source. Basically there is this high quailty bootlegger that has real good stuff--so good that it takes two months for them to get together your order. It's pretty pricey but hopefully worth it. I've got a couple really good bad action movies on the way--one of them called Terminator 2, done by the director of Rats:A Night of Terror and apperently it's a scene for scene rip-off of Aliens with a terminator character sometimes roaming about. I'm very excited about that. Oh, I also got a Blacksplotation film on the way which features a 3-girl afro-biker ganger taking on a Colonel Sanders look-a-like who has invented a negro making machine to pump out people to work at his chicken restuarants and vote for white people. It's supposed to be one of the most insane movies ever. If you can't tell, I've been waiting a long time for this and it better be worth it. Review will definately be forthcoming. This weekend also marked the return to the gym for me. I have gone very sparingly the past month, now I'm trying to get back on track and go 3-4 times a week. I only mention this because I'm freakin sore. I must assume that is a good thing. Also, I didn't realize this until late last friday, but this is a four day week. Three-day weekend baby! To show my excitement here is a bonus picture of a cheerleader doing a goosestep from the obscure movie Wolfpack:

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