Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Yesterday was a lot better after I went home for lunch, grab and oversized sweatshirt and The Wizard of Oz and proceeded to warmly watch it in my office. Ah. And then go home and watch the Mariners win thier first game of the season. It rained all day. All day. I was really in a funk, there was a couple moments where I felt like quitting this job. I just need to be patient. I talked with the guys for my upcoming job a few days ago and I really got excited. It's going to happen. The next goal/step of my life will be accomplished. I just need to wait. It's soo hard though. I hate not being utilized.

Today, LA's screwing with my mind by showing sunshine. At like 1am the rain was crashing against the window and I was betting myself that it would still be doing the same thing in the morning. No. Not the case. Screw you weather.

So I'm going to keep this short in hopes to directly start working on a BAction review.


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