Thursday, April 20, 2006

Did any of you see the mariner's game last night? I missed it, except I turned on the MLB radio and caught the last play of the game. Damn straight. A nice comeback win. Just what the team needed.

I was walking down the street and some guy was blasting "Police & Theives" from the Clash, which instantly reminded me of the movie Dave's working on, and it brought a smile to my face. I love that song.

Then I came into work and the AE was blasting Dark Side of the Moon and was saying it's a good up late, midnight album. I organized a bunch of my cds (in my office yesterday) and happen to have that CD and decided to put it on too. Our Editor came in and then told us this weird story about one of our producers being pretty drunk and forcing the Editor to listen to two hours of Pink Floyd blasting really loud.

That's what musically going on in my life this morning.

In other news, promised I'd take one of our friends out to dinner last night. She did me a big favor and this was payment in return. There was nothing romantic about it at all--bascially it was excatly as I expected, it was fun as it could be with this person (not a knock... Really!). But he's the thing: God Dammit! If I'm buying a nice dinner for you, I expect a hug. I don't care if you're male or female, I hug! This did not happen and, I'm sorry, I can't let it go. That night will always live in infamy!!! I'm overdoing it abit, because this Pink Floyd song has really mellowed me out. Anyways, I don't get to go out to nice dinners ever, so that was a treat, even if it cost an arm and a leg and I got no hug. I'm sure it wasn't intentional there was drama a flowing last night so, yeah, I can't really blame her.

I went kareoking last night afterwards and it felt good to sing my signature song. It's been over a month since I've sang it. I'm trying to expand my kareoke catologue--but why? There's one good song in it and it just keeps getting better, so I shouldn't be trying to learn Jay-Z's "99 Problems". But I am...

My Barbarian tonight. I'm super excited. I really hope that there's no snafu regarding the free tickets, because I could really use a break. I can't wait though.


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