Friday, March 03, 2006

Oscars and Weiners [Sorry Meyers...]

In celebration of the Oscars this weekend, am posting the gayest picture I have taken recently.

This is Danny Roew who--do be fair--is probably bi, which, is what the guys in brokeback are all about. Is he wearing boxer-briefs? Red boxer-briefs? It's not one or the other... I tried wearing those once, but they are kind of awkard. Very fitting for Danny Roew.

I never get excited for the Oscars and this year is no different. I had a long talk with James about this. There are no surprises. Why watch when everybody has the same picks and EVERYONE thats suposed to win, wins? (The exception being Adrien Brody and Polanski winning for the Pianist, which nobody had seen at that point.) The Oscars have lost their credibility ever since Julia Roberts beat Laura Linney for Erin Brockovich. Seriously, the best actress catigory is a joke. Nicole Kidman? Halie Berry? Charlize Thereon are the actresses of our generation? Reese Witherspoon? I'll be damned if you're going to give the girl from Legally Blonde 1 & 2 an oscar. The fact of the matter is, if there weren't any amazing movies out this year, don't give a freakin' award. Chicago is not a best picture winner. A Beautiful Mind is far from a classic film.... Alright. I'll stop... We're going to be seeing a lot of Oscars going to gay cowboys--which I'm not too angry about. I understand it's a political statement. I saw brokeback and thought "that movie was pretty good... I donno about oscar worthy, but it was good." Which is different than say, A Beautiful Mind... in which someone shit in a bag marked 'Fishing for Oscar' and the smell confused them with 'The Fisher King' or something...

I want some surprises on sunday. I want Good Night and Goodluck to sweep all of it's catigories. I want Crash to crash freakin' hard and get jack. I want Amy Adams to win supporting actress--but now that I think of it, Constant Gardner was real good. Why can't that be up for best picture? And--nothing against women--but the best acress catigory is really pathetic. Sorry women. Do better. Hollywood: Make better movies.

I ever since I thought of it I can't get it out of my head: I can't quit you. The famous line of Brokeback, really means I can't quit gay sex. Like really, come one guys--is it really that good!?!?! I have nothing against gays or gay cowboys, but can't you be more romantic? 'You complete me' is so much better. 'You had me at hello.' Great. I can't quit gay sex? Sorry guys. Didn't make my heart flutter. I know for a fact people can live without either kind of sex if they have too. (Boo hoo, the world is sooooo harsh sometimes. Tear. Tear.) At that point, I was like, when are they going to kill the guy?

I thought I wasn't going to have a lot to write about today but it all seems to be movie motivated and bitchy. Last night's dream: I was drug to a drive-in movie where they were showing Donnie Darko, which, I then complained all the way through--because--not a huge fan. I know there's DD (donie darko, not daredevil) backlash which is well deserved, because did you see Drew Berrymore in that film? Talk about terrible acting. Does she have an Oscar for that film? I'm surprised. For some reason Zack Fox was doing his thing, where he was excited about something, then sloooowly comes to the realization that it sucks. Yeah, I know that Zack Fox. He was doing that. Then it got all crazy and I forgot what happened. I was fading in and out of the dream with the rain pitter-patter on the window. It was waking me up periodically.

Sorry for the shitty post. I was going to talk about the next two Fox Film Noir movies I watched, but I'll leave that for a different time. Tomorrow I'm going to the Academy nominated Editor thing, then laundry then poker then probably print the sweatshop short to DVD to take a look at it on a TV. It just hit me, that we didn't film the ending to it. So I need to do that... Not in this weather though. Stupid rain....

Oh! I'll end on a positive note: Did I mention we got a new coffee machine in at work? [I talk about the coffe machine in the first or second post of this blog.] Dude, it kicks serious butt. The building stepped it up and got starbucks brand coffee to put in it as opposed to the cheapest junk they could find. It's good stuff and brews real fast. I'm going to get a second cup.


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