Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Misty Mornings

I thought we were joking around about a sudden tempuature drop, but nope, I woke up cold and feeling sick. How does it go from 78 to 58? And why should I care? I can ruff it. I just need to throw another blanket on the bed, but I don't have any more so I'll have to be more creative. I wonder what an Airborn tablet does when you drop it in carrot juice?

When I see my Seahawks hat hanging there near the bed and get the urge to wear it. I look over to an imaginary jury and ask 'too soon?' and then they all hauntingly in unison say 'yes'. I then ask 'what about about Chris Penn and cough syrup?' 'Too soon.' 'What about Mrs. Martin Luthor King?' 'Toon soon, you non-respecting-black-history-month-bastard' No jokes says the jury, so those subjects won't be on in my standup act yet.

It feels like such a long week. I'm not even hyping up the 3day weekend to myself, but god--it's only wednesday. Wednessday morning even.

Tonight I'm meeting up with my writing "partner" Briana. I put those quotes there so you would raise an eyebrow. In truth, it's a terrible choice or words, because 1) she is not a mate, or signifigant other of any sorts and 2) we are not even writing something together which would then make us writing partners. In fact it's a writing meeting, but yeah, I guess I should have said it that way. Sorry for the confusion. One of my goals this year was to put in a conscious effort towards writing weekly in hopes to crank out a first draft a screenplay by the end of the year. Twice a week (ha!) outside of the house. I'm failing pretty miserably. I would like to blame briana but... see the thing is--okay, so briana and I were interns together years ago at Newline and didn't really know eachother too well but she actually moved out from ohio just for the internship then moved back and then a year or so later moved here and didn't know anybody so we started getting meeting at the coffee shop to write. We got real busy at work and whatnot and writing meetings died. And then with this new years resolution I invited her along because I thought she might be interested and she was like sure--I'm sure thing is boring and all but I'll continue--if you want you can skip down to where I talk about music or movies or chris penn or something. But anyways, I actually really think Briana is a talented writer and figure that since I can't write worth shit I should surround myself with writers and it might rub off or eventually they can write stuff for me. Well anyways two weeks ago when I picked her up for our last meeting she was talking to me about a 'problem' and asking me for 'advice', which she never does we usually just keep things about business (read:writing) and it's nice that way. So this screwed everything up, well she had this friend from college who moved out here and the ohio people stick together and stuff but he was doing stupid stuff--I'm paraphrasing here because in the end it's ridiculous--he was like asking people in her and her roommates offices out for drinks as a form of networking and he's really into networking and these people don't know him at all and he's annoying her roommate who just got promoted as an executive at FX (read:jr. associate) and she's worried because her roomate is pissed off at this kid and threating to bury him. How would I hand the situation? Because her roommate will bury him, he's and excecutive and knows people. WAIT!!!--did she just say bury him? I was smiling and going, this seems like a superficial made up problem and was more focused on the whole bury me idea. So your roomate works at FX he might be able to stop him from working on Rescue Me--maybe. Who was he/she kidding? And then as we're having the conversation I saying, 'I donno what I'd do in that situation' while I'm thinking 'This is stupid.' Like really, I wanted to say 'I want your roommate to try and bury me. Try it Mr. FX exc. Come on, make me never work in this town again.' I think networking is kind of idiotic and that discussing networking is even more idiotic that that, but 'bury'? I didn't think people talked like that. Anybody get a high SAT score? What's a word for 'more idiotic that idiotic'?

I'm only Nicing Myself to Death with this post. Go writing meetings!

I want to be hip and listen to new crazy music, but I fail to be impressed with anything like Broken social scene or Wolf parade or whatnot. I'm more into the not not fun scene, but that too far on the lo-fi sometimes. I'm listening to My Bloody Valentine and IQU's sun Q which makes me want to see them live because they put on a kick ass show, but I don't think they are playing tonight... or tomorrow for that matter.

I got a free (read:complimentary) copy of the NY times at Gelsings so screw you I don't need you anymore!


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