Thursday, February 16, 2006

Amatur Steamster

My aunt and uncle got me a steamer for my birthday. I was not expecting, of all things, a steamer. Anyhow, I want to make the most of it. After work I went the store and dropped a lot of cash on anything I thought I could steam. I was walking around going, 'I wonder what a steamed avocado is like? What about a banana? Cheese? Mmmmm...' So I steamed some string beans, carrots, mushroom, tofu, spinach last night trying a varity of spices, broths, juices, ect. It was fun. Was it good? Well, it was my first time mate... so it was promising. I might do a week of only eating things that come out my steamer. I have at least four more batches of stuff I can make--I haven't even touched the portabellos yet. If your thinking, 'hey brad, how'd you get time to steam when you were supposed to be writing last night?' You are right. I was supposed to be writing with Briana but she wasn't feeling well--she did sound too good--At that point I was on a mission to steam! I still smell like garlic dammit. That doesn't mean I didn't think about writing though. I did have a nice development for the story of my script. I'm trying to outline the script before I write start to write it (ha!).

Speaking of steaming and all that, I clogged up the garbage disposel while cooking and do you ever get terrified to stick your hand down there? I always think of that scene in Final Destination 2 and that freaky garbage disposel shot. I could only stick my hand down there for a short burst before I started thinking about getting my fingers cut off and what I would do the instant my hand did get cut off:

I would try to not cry.
I would call out to Dave to take me to the hospital.
I would have to wrap the hand in a dish towel to stop the bleeding and try not to pass out from the pain.

And then I freaked out because I was like, I don't have health insurance--what the fuck would I do if I lost a hand? On this subject I will talk about my dream, or nightmare, whathaveyou. I was falsely accused of being a mass murderer--it was some sort of mixup. Very Hitchcockian, Wrong Man like. (I did watch it yesterday.) I'm in a mini-mart and the lady behind the counter is freaking out that I'm in the store and I tell her "hold on. I'm innocent until someone can prove my guilt. I didn't do this and you're not a judge, this isn't a courtroom. I just want some cookies." She breaks some glass then runs by me and, in doing so, pushes me down. I stick my hands out and land on the glass shards. My right hand is really cut up and it's painful--really painful. Little shards about, 16 of them in my hand. I try to remove them, but it hurts and I don't have any tweezers. The manager comes out and says "we need to get you to the hospital" and she appogizes for the freaked out worker. We get ready to go to hospital and I think--in my dream, mind you--"I don't have health insurance." I say just that and the manager says, "that will be an expensive proceedure." And I start talking about how the store should cover it because I didn't do anything wrong, much like the murders--which I didn't do and they agree that the ARCO will cover it and the most important thing is to stop the pain. I'm glad because my hand hurts like a bitch. The rest of the dream was the very long and argurous process of filling out forms, traveling, waiting, while in pain--much like boringness of The Wrong Man.

Any thoughts? I should get health insurance...

The mention in Variety of "Final Destination 3" being the biggest oxymoronic title ever--is hilarious. I loved the movie. The first one is not too great, the second one is awesome and so is this one. How can you hate a movie where in all seriousness a guy delivers the line "Fuck you Ben Franklin!" Brilliant, simply brilliant.

Tomorrow marks the first of two straight weeks of Paul Walker movies. Talk about heaven. If there is a guy I can't quit--it's Paul Walker. I'm crossing my fingers that 8 Below will be showing at the Gruman Chinese's theatre and that Running Scared will be in the Dome. Hell, I wish they were both in the dome, but the Arclight isn't getting 8 Below which is a shame because it's kind of trek to got to hollywood and highland. Oh wait--The dog movie is Disney right?? Here's hoping for the El Capitan. I want to check out that online Running Scared video game where you get to play as Paul and your job is to eat out your wife on top of a washing machine. No, I'm not kidding--read about it here. These are going to be two weeks of great.


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