Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I'm walking on Sunshine. Whoa. Oh.

My mind this morning:

[Mexican radio]
-Ugh... The alarm
-hey, I'm not to tired actually
-you did go to bed early for this very reason
-but you love sleep
-you're right, I do love sleep
-but you're supposed to work out
-but I love sleep
-can't argue that
[Alarm reset for an hour and a half later]
-that right, I deserve sleep.
-Mmmm sleep
-you're probably not getting up early tomorrow because of kareokee
-maybe I should--
-but sleeeeeeeeeepppppppp
-can't argue that
-i will regret this
-hey, maybe you should quit the gym
-you know that's the sleep talking
-i didn't work out much last week
-hell, I haven't paid the gym since I switched atm cards
-sooooooo quit
-working out sets the stage for a great day
-shut up
-uhh, i'm pretty awake with all this commotion going on
-get up
-do I have to?

Since when did it become such a task to get up early and go workout? I used to love to go running and now I... I just don't care. Answer: an i-pod. Anyone with me here? It's the quick solution. Running to music is so much better than not. I wouldn't know because I've been without the entire time, but I suspect listening to an i-pod would motivate me--Speaking of money I don't have, I got an eye exam yesterday, then I was about to buy glasses, I found out the whole ordeal would cost about $400. Damn. That's a lot of hard earned money going towards something--granted it's a nessicity--what did I do? I said this tape around my glasses is OKAY for the time being while I think about things. So, here I am. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. Now that I think about it, maybe my lack of enthusiasm about working out some how corrilates with my diminished amout of green tea I drink. I used to have about two cups a morning at work. Now, not so much. I might have two cups a week. Why the drop off? Again, I donno. It's got to the reason I can't get up. That or the non i-pod in my life.

Somebody moved into the office in the corner. It's akward now. Before DOA had the entire back of the building to ourselves--minus one empty office, now that office is filled with a presence that makes you always think twice. You know? We can't be ourselves and all about goodtimes because we have to think about the 'guest' in the corner type of thing. Sometimes you don't realize a good thing until it's gone.

Speaking of which, (I cleaverly foresaw this transistion), I dropped a line to the alphadog crew and... we have a new movie in future. It will be everything I imagined and was promised: a promotion, a union gig which means giant pay increase and health insurance. All that jazz. It's sort of hush-hush, mainly because I don't want to jinx it, but if indeed things go as they should, it would be a big jump in my career and life. A goal fulfilled. It's probably not going to be until june/july--which is fine. Sadly, it's not with the director I know and love and mentioned previously. That's all I can say.

Writing meet is happening tonight. I swear. Briana wanted to do lunch instead and I'm thinking "how I'm I supposed to write at lunch?" I'm still thinking that. We work on different planes. Not like airplanes, but planes--you know--of exsistance. But in this case, writing. We are on totally different planes of writing. I use writing meetings to write. She wants to discuss our writing, but she hasn't caught on that in our years of doing this I haven't written a damn thing. I kind of want to see how long this farce will last.

Also, I might--might--start editing this short at work today. Maybe tomorrow though. We'll see.


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