Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday. Howdy. Hey.

This weekend was really busy and action packed. I saw the mariners play and it was fantastic. It was a perfect night in San Diego, they sold tofu dogs at the stadium, we had really good seats and the mariners won. It was an exciting game. There were 8 homers total, but the best part was seeing 43 year old Jamie Moyer bat and hit an RBI single. I went nuts. I love that guy and it's good to see him get a win. Also, I should note that the M's are 3-0 with in the past few weeks when I have went to games (wearing my lucky jersey, of course).

I'm a little sore from playing ultimate frisbee yesterday. It was so hot out. I was sweating before we even started. It's great to have a weekly game going again.

Last night was also the premiere for the new season of The Venture Bros on adult swim. I am very happy about this. I don't even watch adult swim anymore because the shows suck. Venture Bros give me hope because the it's freakin amazing. Last nights premiere did not dissapoint either. I might even have to give it a second viewing.

This week should be pretty busy, I've got a lot of things going on including seeing Built to Spill on Saturday. Also, if I remember, I'm going to try and see a new Takashi Miike film playing at the Egyptian this friday. (And the old creature from the black lagoon in 3D on tuesday.) Plenty of stuff going on here in the city of angels.

I know I promised to describe getting my first union paycheck, but... well, I haven't gotten it yet. I should get it today, but my anxiety over the past two weeks seems to have burnt out any of the previous joy and turned it into "I have to live so just pay me dammit".

P.S. Baction is NOT dead. I'm going to get back on it soon.


At 9:50 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

I haven't watched Adult Swim in a long time either. There's something about watching it elsewhere than Adam's basement that's just not very fun.


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