Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Everything's Better in 3D!

Last night I went out at saw a double feature of The Creature from the Black Lagoon and It Came From Outer Space in 3D. It was awesome. The theatre was full and the audience was lively and we had a great time. I saw we, but truthfully, I saw it by myself. It didn't matter, I had fun. You missed out. More stuff should be in 3D. We had Spy Kids 3D and Nightmare on Elm street 6 and Friday the 13th part III and more probably, but darnit, lets see more gimmicky movies made that way.

I'm going to see Superman Returns in IMAX 3D because that sounds great doesn't it?

Speaking of movies, have you seen the Spiderman 3 trailer yet? Oh my god! I have to wait an entire year!?!?! Why, oh why?!?! I want it now.

The Mariners are hot, hot, hot, right now. They are sitting at an even .500. 39 wins and 39 losses. They can make it to the playoffs even. (Long time until then... a lot can happen.) So congratulations guys. I give you a pat on the back.

We are approching the weekend and I'm going to cross my fingers that we get a four day, 4th of July weekend. I think it's going to happen, but you never know.

I ordered a bunch of more bad action movies that I should recieve in the comming weeks. Have a huge list of movies that need Baction Reviews including the wonderful Stone Cold. Up comming reviews include, One Tough Bastard, 2020 Texas Gladiators and some crazy three hour Bollywood movie described as Silence of the Lambs meets Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas meets Face/off. If that description doesn't keep you reading, I don't know what will.


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