Thursday, June 08, 2006

Oh my god!!! I just talked New Line and I have to meet with them tomorrow at 9:30am. What? I'm going to miss the opening game of the World Cup!! Fuck.

I am so depressed (and drunk since 3pm)... Unemployment was supposed to be great, why did you leave me? Damn. I can't really complain with the pay and all.... but I freakin would.

Shucks.... Screw you furniture which is being delivered. Screw you...


At 10:45 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

Hey, I'll be working, too. But I have a VCR and blank tapes, so I will not miss a kick. I'm also arranging to get every match recorded on a computer and burned to DVD, so I will hopefully have them all when everything is said and done. Hooray for technology. But not for robots.


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