Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'm beat guys.

Today, I've busted my butt and designed and ordered business cards as well as organizing and ordering professionally duplicated DVDs and covers for Timothy. It's so much work... I had to track down old artwork, touch it up, create some new artwork, proof it and double check everything. It'll be worth it I hope. I'm getting the full treatment this time: Printed Discs and DVD covers; the whole works. I found a real good deal for 100 DVDs where it costs about $3.33 a unit. (That's just over three hundred dollars.) I did some research and I originally wanted to get just 50 but it cost around $5-6 a unit at every place I looked for, if you do the math, it's about the same price for the 100 as it is for 50. It needs to be ready by monday the 15th and I called them and they said it would arrive by then no problem. I know I just gave you a bunch of technomumblejumbo--heck not even that--just mindnumbing factory stuff, but that's been my day. By next monday, I'll have some nice DVDs to promote my film.

I'm listening to Stomptokyo's Cult Movie Podcast right now as I do occationally. It's nerdy and just two guys talking, but it gives me a chance to disagree a lot of the time and further sharpen/enhance my general nerd opinion. It's kind of worth checking out. I'm pretty sure it's linked on the side.

Ugh. My brain's fried.


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