Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Highlights from Cannes:
  • Eating a ham and pesto crepe from a street vendor. It was amazing.
  • Tasting and buying fresh olive oil.
  • Coming home with a Tara Reid story.
  • Seeing the director of The Apple.
  • Seeing some good movies: Babel, Pan's Labrinth, Bug, Science of Sleep...
  • Walking the red carpet in a tux. It felt special.
  • Chocolate crossants and strawberry tarts. Hmmmm.
  • 4 bad movies for every good one. A lot of crappy films.
  • It's hard to pickup french women if you don't speak french.
  • Hotel room was borderline a hostel.
  • Oh, my email stopped working, so that was bummer.
All and all it was a great experience and I had a ton of fun. My travel mates complained when we got to Whales, but I enjoyed it a lot.

This week I've been getting "back into it" as they say. It's real hot here in LA. I bought new running shoes and sandels. Started level 2 of improv class. Dropped my phone into the ocean... It cost $200 to replace!! Can you believe that shit? Oh, well. Life goes on.

I start my new job--and new tier of my life--on monday. This is a great thing, but I am a little sad that I start as soon as monday because I thought I was going to have three weeks to relax and write. I'm really inspired comming off this trip and want to start a script, but there's just not time right now. This weekend I'm hoping to work out an outline.

But about the job. I've been approved to join the editing union. I have 30 days to pay dues. That's amazing. Simply amazing. I'm going to get a sizeable pay increase as well as work with people I love. I'm so fortunate.

Anyway, that's all I got for now maybe I'll have more to add next time.

World Cup is happening and that's going to take over much of my free time (and another reason why I didn't want to start working so soon....)


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