Monday, May 01, 2006

Welcome. Hello. How's it going?

I feel I've got a ton to talk about. Lots of news, dreams, weird stuff even. But I feel great. Two weeks of my job before I go AWOL. How exciting. It's MAY 2006 right now. Wow.

Anyways, Melody Rock is going to Canne with me. Better than that, she booked the excact same flights as me. How sweet is that?!?! 17 hours on a plane will suck that much less because of her company. Also, I'm buying an ipod today. Screw it. Dave says I shouldn't be on a long trip without one.

Oh and the other big snippet of news is that my films are showing at Canne! I wasn't sure or really cared--I was just excited to go, then yesterday I got news that they are indeed having a showcase and ALL THREE of my short films will be in it. A trillogy of sorts. Shit. That's crazy. I'm not even 100% alright with that. Homogeny: Cool, but come on, it's my weakest work... Oh well, I'll live. Shit. Can you believe? The Canne Film Festival!!! Thursday May 25th 2pm. If you're going to be in the area...

In other news, UCB drama. Holy cow. I don't know what to think some of the time. I'm nervious about our final show next Sunday, but whatever happens, happens. I guess I'm more worried, because I didn't even preform in a scene this week. Our class structure has been horriendous the past few weeks... Then I went over to this kids house and a bunch of us were supposed to practice, but no one showed up... So I haven't really done improv in a couple weeks and next week we have a show. Oh lord. But then I read the above paragraph and it's all good.

Last night I had this this set of dreams. Really it was one dream. It was like a videogame in the sense, that when I died in the dream, it just picked up at the begining again. Does that make sense? Well, it was sort of like Lost, or rather since I haven't seen Lost, my imagination of what lost would be--in a post-apoclypic time. There was a big explosion and I was on this island which had two parts: The high ground and the low ground. The low ground was the beach and forest area and then there were cliffs that rose really high and in the middle of the island was a desert platue. And it was sort of a two class community--all in chaos because nobody new where the fuck we were. But the high ground was filled with my grandma and crazy religous people and the low ground was like opened minded hippies that looked they they were out of survior or something. Anyways, my goal was to get the two parts to work together because we were surround by water, technology was a thing of the past and for all we knew we were the last people on earth. We needed to have a thriving society. But no one shared my thoughts. Both sides were happy with their own separate community. I was talking with my grandma in the desert community, but it wasn't my grandma, as I know her in real life, but my grandma who had lost my grandpa in "the blast". She was malnurioshed, skinny and--crazy. A shell of what I'd known as my grandma. Anyway, after a depressing conversation with her, I headed back down to the beach land and I'm crawling down this rope ladder and there is this large mechanical noise and I look up and its a helicopter!! We aren't the only people left on this earth. We're saved. I think that until the copter drops a warhead on the platue. BOOM. It goes dark and I'm like wow, what's going to happen in death (a question I've always asked myself) and then there's this jolt and bam, I'm back on the island like 24 hours earlier. I roll my eyes and say that wouldn't really shock me if that's what happens when you die and then the plot of the dream becomes the two island commuties needing to band together to fight this "mechanical sophisticated people" we don't know. Who are they? The government? Why do they want to kill us? Man vs. Machine. Or like Nature vs. Machine. To be honest, we probably didn't have a chance. Spears vs. Machine guns. Yeah. I don't know what happened because my alarm went off and I woke. I could probably ramble on for hour about this dream, but I just wanted to let you know the overall plot. Because I spent a lifetime living on the island.

So my goal in the two weeks I have left before my trip is to work out 5 days each week. You know, so I can look good for all those topless french women. It means I can only take two morning off a week. I've already blown one of those today. I donno why I didn't go to the gym this morning. I was in crazy dream mode and I wanted to get lost in this different universe I guess... I've got to be firm on this. I've only been going to the gym 1 or 2 days each week. I need to make up for it. When I get back, in june I'll have 18 days of unemployment in which I can work out everyday. That'll be good.

Oh yeah, in celebration of draft day, Dave and I watched Stone Cold starring Brian "the Boz" Bozworth. [It's going to become a tradition I think.] It's awesome. DEMAND a Baction Review of it this week. I'm going to try my damndest and get one up.


At 8:16 AM, Blogger Patrick said...

I demand a Baction review of Stone Cold.


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