Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Drama be damned, finally it's all set and done. I'm going to Canne. I talked to everyone at work and will have my last day in two and a half weeks. I have a plane ticket on hold and will probably purchase it tonight. And poof. Off to france I go.

I'm feeling under the weather today. It sucks. I felt fine yesterday. Last night I woke up and had a terrible sore thoat. I thought "Damn, I'm going to be real sick!" I then woke up later with a stomach ache. I donno what's going on. I feel better than I did, say at 3am, so hopefully it was something I ate and tomorrow I'll be fine. It sucks though. Quasi's playing tonight and I really want to go. I hope I feel better after lunch or something.

So the month of May is going to be insane. I'm going to Vegas 12-14 and then leave on the 16th to the festival. I was going to cancel the vegas trip, but everyone I talked to is real excited about going and I reserved the hotel room in my name so... so why not? I'm going to be spending money like crazy I think. I'm going to need to get an ipod. There is no way I think I could manage 17+ hours of travel (each way) without one.

Anyways, I'm too tired to think about these things right now. We'll talk more tomorrow.


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