Thursday, March 09, 2006

I'm feeling pretty inspired to start playing guitar and recording songs again and such. It's been a while since I've played with anyone, but both Irv and Luoto are interested so I'm hoping to jam or something this weekend.

Saw the Neko instore yesterday and it was pretty much what I expected. It was good. I liked it. Makes me miss the Cds of her that I used to own but were stolen....

I wish I had more to talk about, but to be honest, I've been really complacent this week. It seems to be moving extra slow, but I haven't been complaning, I've just been rolling with the punches, you know. I've been in pretty good spirits, but bored as hell. I find myself fast forwarding to June or July when I get a change of scenery (read:not this office). I realize that life and dreams take patience... so alright. I'll wait.

Speaking of patience, I just haven't been in the mood to deal with the freakin avid problems at work I need to in order to finish cutting the sweatshop short. So this weekend I'm heading down to school to put the finishing touches it--I know that's excatly what I said last week... jeez... gimma a break. These things take time.

Here's a story for you: There's this bum I see just about everyday on the way to work. He's always got a big smile, lounging about, he's fun to talk to, ect. Anyway, I say hi, give him change if I have any, well, I'm walking up to Ameoba yesterday and I pass this guy and he's like "hey, looking good. You clean up nice." And I look over and he's motioning that I no longer have a beard. It takes me a second and I realize that the bum shaved his beard off too!!! "You clean up pretty well yourself man" is my response and we share a big laugh. So that was a big moment. We are now friends that tell eachother to keep safe and stay away from trouble.


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