Friday, March 10, 2006

By this time next week, I could be dead.

Gearing up for the weekend, I got an email from the Supreme Commander of the Shawdow Government about picking up our teams assignment for the assination tourney. Now it's time to transform from my geeky self to hunter-killer. Needless to say, this weekend is all about training and loading up my arsenal.

Yesterday, I sadly was not able to attend The Hill have Eyes premiere. I made the foolish mistake of inviting someone who actually has to work late sometimes and was held up and we did not get in. Oh well. I'm not too heart broken mainly because tonight I'm going to the Reno 911 Movie wrap party courtesy of Dave. It should be fun, but it can't be too crazy because of the assination transformation that needs to happen. Also, I should remind you that, I start my improv class on saturday morning. 10am. I have this dreadful feeling that I'm going to forget about going to class. I hope that's not the case. This is happening really fast. I've been raking my brain and remembering some of the warmups and games we used to play. I hope it's similar.

In wake of missing the premiere, I tried to record some music last night. Oh god it's terrible. It's the most annoying, catchy drum and guitar thingy I've ever recorded. I'm going to listen to it a couple time and see if it's salvageable i.e. can add lyrics or more depth to make it not suck so much.

So, let me recap: yesterday I wrote about being inspired to get back into the music thing. Later that day, I did.

Wow. That's some serious self relection. There might be more where that came from. Stay tuned.

Have a good weekend.

EDIT: It's starting to rain. That normally would suck--and it does--but I've put on some Carrie Akre and it compliments it nicely. Also, I got my tax refund.


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