Tuesday, October 10, 2006


This post is dedicated to Cory

Mead: freaking amazing alcoholic honey beverage; wine-like.

Today marks the beginning of my mead collection. Through a sizeable snaffu, a combination of my impatience and shoddy online shopping, I have 3 large shipments of mead arriving this week.

I was bored, working into the night about a month and a half ago and I had the craving for Mead and some money saved up. I am not as blessed as friends of mine are, to have a meadery in my area. In fact I can only find a few places that sell mead in LA, and there are only two different bottle to choose from. My late night research, happened upon reviews that all lead to one conclusion, the best mead known in the modern age, is a rare polish mead entitled jiwdaja. I was determind to buy a bottle of it, the lord of all Mead, via the world wide web. I failed that night, but found another mead made by the same brewer (I don't even know the proper term to place there), which seemed to be my only choice. I ordered about $130 of mead, or about a case. I figure, I might as well go all out--especially considering my lack of mead in LA. Well, the weeks go by. No email, no deduction from my checking account, nothing. I go back to the website, they have no record of my order. After three weeks, my need for mead reaches a higher peak. I begin the pursuit again for Jiwdaja polish mean, fail yet again, but find some website that has french oak barrel mead--it actually has a "hall of mead," all different kinds, I don't go as crazy, but damn, I crave that sweet honey goodness. I order like 8 bottles or $100, all different kinds of mead from various meaderies. I get an automatic response. Two weeks go by. NOTHING. I'm nuts. I'm going freaking nuts. SHOW ME THE MEAD! Last week, I'm surfing the net again, mead oriented of course, I happen upon a site selling the legendary Jiwdaja Mead!!!!!! (It's under a different longer polish name! Can you believe it!!) In a frenzy of excitment and disbelief, I order a few bottles of it--scratch that, I order a bunch. This website is on top of it. Order ships next day. Hells yeah. Finally: Mission Accomplished.

The next morning, I check my email, I have three order shipped emails, as if to spite me, all websites ship their orders to me on the same day. WTF? One, after six weeks of non communication, the other, about 2 week of non-com, and then the glorious, glorious heaven site ships the day after the order. I check my bank account, sure enough... $360 of deductions, all mead related. $360!?!?! Do I freak out? no. I accept the consequences... Along with all the glorious bottles of mead that comes along with it. Now, I have to scrape together money for a wine rack to hold and show off my glowing, growing collection. (two of the packages, shipping from fedex, are 30lbs each)

In the coming weeks I will be tasting, and reviewing the various meads hopefully with pictures accompanying it.


At 6:25 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

Warning about mead: It goes way too fast. Keep your friends and their grabby hands away from it. Preferably with firearms.


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