Monday, October 09, 2006

I went and saw both The Departed and Califone (movie & muscial concert, respectivly) yesterday evening with Maileen. It was a great night. Califone preformed as a 3-piece, something new to me and while it was both mellow and jamm-ey, it was excatly what I needed. I do miss the bassist though. Oh, how you aren't the same without your big bald, cowboy hat wearing, out of place bassist. It's been, years now(?!?) since I saw that guy play with the band. Also seeing Califone sans a second percussionist is also mildly worrisome, their percussion is a definate strenght to the band. All concerns aside, it was a good show, their new material, which just got an 8.7 or something on pitchfork, is much better live. I'm kind of lukewarm on the new CD actually--I'm a bigger fan of the 17 minute noise of King Heron Blues, than the softer wilco-esq stuff on Root & Crowns. Why complain? It was fun.

Today I'm am fashioning my new CK light green button up shirt. Last week when test screened the movie I'm working on in ventura county, it lead to about 4 hours of freetime, in which I found my self inside a TJ MAXX at 2:30 in the afternoon. You know who shops at TJ maxx at 2:30 on a tuesday? A bunch of stay at home moms. I was the only male... I got myself a Calvin Klein shirt for like $15. I'm not sure about it yet, it tends to wrinkle easily.

I just decided I did something pretty dumb. I transfered my credit card balance from one of my cards on to another, so I just deal with one card and it's a lesser interest rate. Here's the thing; I plan to pay it off this month? Why didn't I just pay each card seperatly? Now I'm stuck, paying like $15 to have it transfered, only to pay it all off this week. In a business sense, that's just stupid.

The Departed was a really good movie. I have passes to see it at the DGA wednesday and might go, if we don't have band practice. It's been like a month since we last practiced......


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