Friday, September 29, 2006

Sorry I haven't been writing much lately, not much has happened. I've just been working a lot, gearing up for our test screening next week. A bit of side news, DOA: Dead or Alive has been pushed back AGAIN, this time to december, probably another move will happen for a jan/feb release. Oh well. I guess I'll have to wait forever until my first feature credit can be seen on the screen. But Alphadog seems pretty set with a Jan release, how many chicks am I going to pick up in January if both films come out then? Answer: tons!

Here's the deal, ever since I've joined the editing union I've sort of been celebrating & partying like all my life goals have been completed. In truth I don't have anymore "short term goals". I haven't set any... So I think that's why I've been in a funk, kinda lonely, kinda depressed lately. I need to set my sight on what I want to accomplish next. I'm really getting ansty to make a new movie, a feature, I'm done with short films. I'm going to start writing my long delayed, long talked about movie, for real this time, starting next weekend. I'm ready to tackle it. Hopefully I'll get an outline done, start writing a draft, probably have some time off in january to finish or rewrite it and then start wondering how to make the film become a reality. If that fails to work, I have a few backup plans--mainly two scripts that people are writing for me and come next summer I should have an idea of which one I want to make happen. So that's what's going on with me, the scheme of my dreams, so to speak.

I've become obsessed with rare-independent-experimental-explotation director Fredric Hobbs. He did a couple movies, mainly The Godmonster of Indian Flats about a mutated sheep and a zany town stuck in the past. While, normally I love so-bad-their-good movies, I think his movies, while not great, have really powerful moments and crazy shit that's interesting a la, David Lynch. It's kind of hypnotic. But on the other hand, Godmonster, isn't good. The first half is very dull and hard to follow. Hobbs has 4 features recorded all through late 60's early 70's but Godmonster is the only one "released on dvd". Anyways, last night I watched Roseland, his art-hippie-orgy movie and it was really awesome. I loved it. It was a little heavy on the soft-core-B&W-boob shots, the story and characters are amazing. Unique for sure. Basically the plot revolves around a man with steve zisu-eque beard in a hospital because of his fantasies of orgys. He's obsessed with a specific risque painter and even more specifically the painters work which features a rose coming out of a young girl's ass (hence the name of the film Roseland). The main character starts to have imaginary conversations with the painter, decked out in cartoon 17-century clothing. All and all the movie's awesome. I'm really itching to get ahold of Hobb's lost film Troika, which pretty much cieces to exsist execpt for a 1969 review from the NY times. It's supposedly about an eight foot tall bug who is followed around by blue people or something like that. It's one of my duties in life, to fund a search for a print of that film.

Have I gone off enough on Fredric Hobbs? I think so.

Tonight is Movie Night. I hope people show up. It'll be great either way, because Baction Movies are awesome.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ugh. I'm in some sort of funk. I donno what it is. I've haven't been feeling 100% I donno if was something I ate or what, but I've been irritable and grouchy. Some of it maybe is from my newer, more strenous workout I've been doing, which have left my body pretty damn achey. That being said, I'll tell you I'm even more so this morning because on my way to work a nice BMW slammed into the back of my car. It was a kind of shock, kind of big ass sigh situation. I got out on the corner of melrose and la cienga look at the dude, who was very angry, though I think more at himself, and at my car. Well, my bumper has the slight imprint of a licence plate holder. It's not that big of deal, I don't want to get my insurance involved and there's really not point in getting the bumper redone because the cars beatup much worse in other places... anyways, I'm going to mope today. And it's got nothing to do with Shaun Alexander. It really doesn't. I hope the seahawks continue kicking but, this week in a big prime time game. I can't wait.

Friday night is movie night. Go goddamn you, go.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Last night I was eating a cracker and after I chomped down on it I had an incredible pain in my ear. That's right, my ear. It's semi-worrysome because this morning, I tried to eat an apple and the pain came back. I (stupidly) just tried to chew some gum and it had terrible results... It hurts and feels like my ear painfully pops when I bite down on something. I hope it's not serious...

This weekend is a big game for the seahawks. Last year's game would give any fan an ulcer, but you can't help but love the animated gif of Jeremy Shockey...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm really digging this song: Patience Please - Little Mouthfuls


...I want the EP now.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Newest, Most Rediculous Action Movie I Have To See: Shoot 'Em Up!
A brittish nanny that's dangerous!?! My God, I don't really know much (anything, really) about clive owen but I'll watch him in this as well as and it's good to see Paul "this is my apology for Lady in the water" Giamatti playing just a hair over the top. Mark your calenders...

For me this week, I will probably spend a few nights at the UCB. There are a bunch of good shows. I feel on the edge of "finally getting it". I'm very close. 4 weeks until my next show (I think), so look for some improvement then... Speaking of Improv, I have joined this group with liam and jeff with two other girls. We've been practicing on tuesday nights. I'm not 100% sure how I feel about it. It's alway good to be practicing. I guess I need need to decide how far I want to take this improv thing. I'm spending up to 3 nights a week for this. I donno. I have been neglecting band practice.

I'm battling getting up in the morning to go to the gym. It's such a struggle. I did really well for a short span after I renewed my vows, so to speak. I went 6 of 7 days last week, but since have gone one day in the past four... So I guess the law of averages says I've been doing okay right? 7 of 11 days is good... we'll see how it all pans out by the time the weekend hits.

Here are my thoughts on the Seahawks so far: We're 2-0. It hasn't been all that pretty, but when I think about the previous year, it wasn't either. We were 2-2 at the begining with a loss against the Jags and 20-17 against the Redskins and a barely win against the Cowboys 13-10 with a barely hang on win against the falcons and a come-from behind sqeaker against the Titans and lets not forget the SF 27-25 win. So I'm just saying: it's never pretty. Our offense is struggling I think for a couple reasons, first TE Jerremy Stevens is out and Alexander was the MVP last year, he's on everybody's radar, teams are going to say--beat us in the air, and the Seahawks have, not effeciently but they still have. Our defense is looking good and is picking up the slack. We have two really tough games comming up and it might be good for us to come out 3-1 or even 2-2 to get our guys fired up. We need to playing with a chip on our shoulder. Of couse, 4-0 heading into a bye wouldn't be half bad either...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread

Fat Free Spring Water!

Monday, September 11, 2006

(review from

by Mike Watt
2006, Rated R, 80 minutes

It’s sad that my most pleasant surprise, movie-wise, came from an epic porn film re-edited for mass-market consumption. What is the world coming to? “Pirates”—“A Joone Film” (and I’m assuming that’s good) was the winner of countless AVN awards in 2005 and, according to its official website at “"Pirates" is a co-production between Digital Playground and Adam & Eve. The most comprehensive and ambitious adult production to date, “Pirates” is a monumental step towards the eminent merging of the entertainment industries.” For everyone’s edification, I will mention that it also marks Jesse Jane’s first girl-girl scene. The uncut movie was so successful that the producers decided to cut the hardcore scenes out and see if they could make a sexy “R-Rated” version for the masses. Oddly enough, it all works.

“Pirates” is a story about pirates and pirate hunters, and the search for some mystical artifact that will give its bearer great power. The man out to retrieve that artifact: Capt. Victor Stagnetti, proud owner of the worst pirate name in history. Hot on his trail (that phrase came out dirtier than originally planned) is famed pirate hunter Captain Edward Reynolds (a spot-on performance by Evan Stone). There’s also some stuff in there about a kidnapped fiancée and some lusty lady pirate queens. And like every great pirate movie, it features sword fights (both literal and euphemistic), broadside gunship battles (make an innuendo out of that one, I dare you!) and a huge army of reanimated skeletons (recreating Harryhausen’s famed “Jason and the Argonauts” climax in a way the master animator never envisioned, at least not in context, with lady pirates battling the bones with their breasts popping out!).

For as long as pornographic movies have existed, people have yearned for the fabled “porn with a plot”. If they yearned sincerely for this, or just to appease their girlfriends, “Pirates” is that fabled film. It’s practically convoluted, and with so many ladies with identical physical attributes (most of the leading actresses seem like they were spit out of the same factory), it’s hard to keep the main players straight. I lost track who James actually played, for instance, and can’t for the life of me remember which character “Jules” was, so the IMDB is no help to me there. Not being a porn aficionado, the landmarks, so to speak, aren’t going to help me either.

But “Pirates” has beautiful photography and lighting, elegant sets (some of the movie was filmed aboard the HMS Bounty, at The Pier in St. Petersburg, Florida, thanks to the producers lying to the entire city of St. Petersburg saying they were shooting a PG-13-style TV movie—a fact alone that bespeaks of the genius involved) and a terrific sense of humor about the whole thing. And, again, while I’m not an aficionado, I’m not stranger to skin flicks either, so I expected the acting to be godawful. Thus, I wasn’t disappointed, at least as far as the ladies were concerned. The leading men, however, were obviously having the time of their lives. At the risk of sounding queer for Stone, I have to reiterate that his swaggering Reynolds was the highlight of the movie. Gunn’s Stagnetti is an appropriately slimy villain. St. Croix’s Marco has a genius of a comedic scene. It was actually very satisfying, even with all the sex removed (and the editing is in no way distracting, leading me to wonder how the original, two-hours-plus version plays out with the sex intact).

The screener I received was the R-Rated version only, sans extras. There is a special, chocolate-coated “Special Edition” out there that boasts three discs, the “clean” version, the original “dirtier” version and a disc of special features.

I just refuse to admit that a porn movie was the highlight of my week. Honestly, I have a family to think of…

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Boz - Confessions of a Modern Anti-hero

Analysis of Chapter 3: Football by Bosmosis

Mr. Bosworth describes the scene on a football field less like an organized sport and more like a bar fight. The reader is left to wonder if The Boz knows anything about defensive schemes and stopping the run when he states the following:

"When I'm on the field, I have two goals: (1) get in fights;
and (2) hit people in the head. Not too complicated." (p.37)

Brian describes, in detail, ways to injure or aggravate opposing players by jabbing and scratching at flesh through their protective helmets. He suggests, if he does that enough, he will accomplish goal number one, which is to, as he puts it, have "a throwdown." To a common football spectator, this does not seem to have anything to do with the game of football, for a defensive lineman should be concerned with the opposing teams moving the ball down the field and scoring touchdowns. But the Boz has his own philosophy for these tactics:

"Fighting isn't just something I do to be obnoxious. It's part of the
way I win. It's part of my style. It's a strategy the whole team can
use. You start a fight with somebody, it gets everybody on your
team excited, gets everybody jacked up, wakes everybody up. That's
why I always try to get in a fight as soon as I can every game." (p.39)

Hitting people the head, Mr. Bosworth's second goal during a game, has reasoning that falls along similar lines to his first: Getting hit in the head hurts. The Boz wants the opposition to be on the look out for him, he wants them to live in fear of getting hit in the head. Players accuse Brian of tackling too high and he'll be the first to agree. If it doesn't instill fear, it will anger them and cause them to get into a fight. The Boz does show signs of a softer side, when he points out that while he does actively attempt to injure people, he only wants them to be sidelined for the particular game he's playing in. He never intends or wants go give an athlete a season or career ending injury. The big exception being:

"There's one guy I'd like to wipe out for more than a game,
maybe two or three games, and that's Elway. I can't stand
Elway. The way he walks. That horse face of his. There's
nothing about Elway I like. He doesn't even look athletic
when he plays. He looks like a goofball." (p.41)

Brian answers the next common question many readers may be having, which is, aren't his goals, which consist of fighting and causing bodily harm, against NFL rules? The quick answer is yes, but The Boz also offers that if NFL referee's call a penalty on for any of these acts, then it's wise to retaliates. He suggests, using refs as blockers, accidentally tackling them, ect. That way, the refs, much like the opposition, will fear you and stay clear. But, on an ethical note, Mr. Bosworth says that cheating is fine in the National Football League because, he sees it as a way to stick it to the man. Brian sees cheating as a personal protest against the way the league deals with refs.

"The whole NFL system of refs pisses the hell out of me anyway.
I mean, here's big strong twenty-five and twenty-six-year-old guys
playing a money game--a big money game--and who do they
send out there to decide it? Some sixty-year-old bluehair who
can't even keep pace with the guys he's trying to officiate. I mean,
these guys are insurance agents and accountants and bank vice
presidents five days a week and then on the weekends they get
shipped all over the country to put on their costume and try to
do a job. I mean, this is our profession. This isn't some goddamn
hobby... I doesn't make sense. Every other sport has full-time refs
except the NFL." (p.43-44)

This point, which can be interpreted as a way to improve the game, is part of the over-all theme in Mr. Bozworth's book, which is his love for football. The Boz, surrounded by a thick layer of toughness, is able to freely show his passion.

"Football is what I love to do more than anything--more than drink
beers or spit on red tape or cause ulcers. I mean, without football,
I might as well be a corpse somewhere with a tag on my toe. I was
built to play the game." (p.37)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Found on the Open Water 2 IMDB Message Board

by - volcano_worshipper 6 days ago (Wed Aug 30 2006 12:32:57 )
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UPDATED Wed Aug 30 2006 12:34:59

At the time that I read it, 1 out of 44 people found it useful!

The Water opens again..., 25 July 2006
Author: crazy-der-film from Germany

"The movie is like the first part. It was a low budget production with ca. 110.000 US-Dollar and an impressive success in the theaters all over the world. i can't remember the German start at cinema but i saw the trailer 3 month before the movie was released on DVD. to see the trailer once is enough to be addicted to this movie.

content: one group of arisen meet because one celebrates their 30th birthday and that happens completely at the sea. the group rents a ship and goes onto the open water. they go swimming and recognize that the ladder was not down in the water. now nobody could reach the ship anymore, because that the walls of the ship are too steep. a combat around live and dead begins on the sea. shark attacks and set-tos are the problems now. who survives this horror trip at the end?"

LOL, I have no idea what the hell that is supposed to mean.

by - PDB82 4 days ago (Fri Sep 1 2006 08:30:33 )
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The person is German...they obviously struggle with English...what's so funny about that? I'd like to see you try and write something in a language you are not fluent in.

by - lewisjackson50 4 days ago (Fri Sep 1 2006 14:27:36 )
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yeah try a German GCSE, man thats a bitch lol

by - hoodygang 4 days ago (Fri Sep 1 2006 08:33:26 )
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I agree, I found it really hard to read. Funny though!

by - leannenorris 4 days ago (Fri Sep 1 2006 15:45:42 )
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yeah, funny, ha, ha. Any d*mb-ass can see this guy isnt fluent in English (obviously from another country). Perhaps if you watched the movie, you'd understand what he means!

For you: conseguirte a vida idiota.

by - jonathan8442004 1 day ago (Mon Sep 4 2006 02:19:28 )
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'shark attacks are the problems now'

uhhh... there aren't any sharks in this film. It is a dumb review.

Believe not him that says less is more, for he is a baboon.

by - sawakatoome 1 day ago (Mon Sep 4 2006 03:58:43 )
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Paranoia over the possibility of shark attacks *is* in the movie.

by - andy-1233 1 day ago (Mon Sep 4 2006 09:51:38 )
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Author: crazy-der-film from Germany

"from germany"
i think hes from germany you know

by - sawakatoome 15 hours ago (Tue Sep 5 2006 00:51:50 )
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What? The author of the post wasn't even English? .. Oh, come on .. what kind of doofus would make fun of that?!

by - yeahthatsrightyouheardme 9 hours ago (Tue Sep 5 2006 06:58:36 )
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it's still funny! of COURSE they werent english thats why its funny.