Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I'm LEGAL folks. Watch out!

I am holding in my hands my California License Plates and tabs for my car! After nearly 6 years, I have completed my transition to become a full citizen of Hollywood.


Last night I went to the UCB theater to see some long-form improv. I was blown away. It's acting at it's rawest form and the people involved are so good. It was crazy-awesome. I'm very intimidated, but I have to keep telling myself that those people have been studying and practicing for a very long time.

I'm trying to upload pictures, but there seems to be some sort of glitch today, which is sad, because I don't want you to think that is place is bland. So click on the links to be visually stimulated or something. Really. Do it. Don't let my hard work go to waste. I wanted to upload some really cool art by Josh Howard. I recently got Dead@17: The Complete Collection, which is a comic book about cute girls, mixed up in good vs. evil and zombies. I find the art really good, the story is enjoyable and overall I'm very glad to finally be able to read the final books of the series because they're very hard to find in comicbook stores. I recommend it. The pictures you just viewed, don't really do it justice.

Alright. Timothy is playing Fashion Island at the Newport Beach Film Festival april 24 & 27. The times and days kind of suck. 7pm and 4:30pm respectively, but oh, well. It's not like Seth and Ryan are going to be going to some film festival on the OC anytime soon. Don't jump in line just yet, I want to see what the shorts lineup is--like if it's a kids program or whatever before you think about going. I'll find out if it will be worth your time hipsters.

Dude, today a lot of media items come out*.

*is that's just my way of saying stuff to buy??? I guess...

Anyways, I'm not getting paid to advertise anything, but Quasi's new CD hits stores today. There is a review on pitchfork today here. Also Justice League and Batman Beyond season sets hit the shelves. I will probably pick these up and never finish them. It's not home movies, but what is? JL season 2 is where I'll officially geek out, so standby for that. Summer or fall I think.

Tonight I'm just going to take it easy so I get get up and workout tomorrow. I hope it clears up. This off and on rain stuff is annoying. Stay dry people. Stay dry.

UPDATE: I'm listening to the new Quasi album right now. Too early to actually comment on it.


At 9:20 AM, Blogger snailian said...

Josh Howard's stuff looks neat, thank you for sharing it :]


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