Monday, March 20, 2006

Hey, hey, hey. How's it going?

I'm doing well, thank you.

I've been listening to this old Red Red Meat album and I must say, everytime I put it in, it blows my mind! I love it. It's almost 10 years old but it feels fresh as ever. I saw Califone play on saturday with Brian Irving and, while it great seeing them, it wasn't up to par with many of their previous shows. I hope it's due to the fact that they were playing a museum and not that they are getting old and mellowing out. I don't think that's the case because their past album, King Heron Blues, really reminded me of Red Red Meat--which is a good thing. I guess they have a new CD coming out in the fall, so I'll look forward to that.

I had my second improv acting class and I'm slowly getting back into the thick of things. It feels good, but I'm not totally comforable on stage and preforming yet. That said, when I did have to preform, I think I did adequate. I pretty sure my mind is starting to move faster. I'm starting to 'feel' the restrictions as opposed to 'thinking' about them.

It's monday. Boy did the weekend fly by. I spent all of yesterday helping Dave Malki out with a 'practice shoot' of a short film. Basically, I'm as confused as you. It cost me a whole day, so it better of helped dammit. The location we shot on was pretty cool, it was an old military base/hanger in Tustin.

Oh--Street Wars aka the watergun assisnation game, has posted a really good written description of our teams deaths so I feel I should post it. You should also note that I am 'the ringer' that saves our team captian's life twice. Here you go:



The sound of one gun squirting.

The Kobra Kai Killer is happy to announce that all of his targets can now live the rest of their lives in eternal bliss. No more looking over their shoulders, no more waiting around stranger's houses for hours, no more leaky guns that make you look like you peed your pants. They're all taking the Big Sleep. It was inevitable.

The Korba Kai Killer started the week off with eternal patience and it has paid off. The Mr. Topps team has been eliminated along with previously reported BMcL. It wasn't easy, but then again for one to appreciate something, it has to be earned and earn it I did.

The Kobra Kai Killer's first target spent the night out and thought that sneaking in at an early hour would throw the Kobra Kai Killer off. Think again! While sitting on his front steps, reading The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the Kobra Kai Killer heard someone running towards him from the parking lot. The Kobra Kai Killer put his book down and drew his gun and, like a scene out of Pulp Fiction, water started landing all around him. Water, water, everywhere, not a drop on him. It being Hollywood and all, the Kobra Kai Killer did his best Samuel Jackson impersonation and smoked his ass. Upon getting his card, the Kobra Kai Killer turned to leave and got in his car as the target went home. As soon as the soaked target got inside the Kobra Kai Killer went back to his reading spot and waited for roommate/target #2. A few verses in the front door opened and out came someone that after being startled, yelped, "I'm not in the game!" Not in the game indeed, but certainly in on it, as roommate #3 alerted roommate #2. Moments later someone darted out of the front door wearing a raincoat and a fake mustache, needless to say, they got drenched, but something wasn't right. The Kobra Kai Killer was nailed from his blind spot. Can-wetto, his target, felt good about his kill and put his water gun in the back seat of his car. Big mistake.

After the 24 hour wait, the Kobra Kai Killer prepared to strike again, as he staked out the parking lot where Can-wetto worked, bribing parking attendants to move his car over by a fence. He patiently waited in the lotus position and decided to meditate. A few hours later, hunger reared it's ugly head and he had Domino's deliver to his hiding spot (hiding in the bushes, wedged by a fence is not an address that Domino's will deliver to, go figure.) Two slices into the pizza a car pulled up and the ringer with the fake mustache from the other day got out of his car and picked something up from Can-wetto's car. The Kobra Kai Killer had been made. That damn parking attendant narked on him. No matter, it's just delaying the inevitable.

The day of reckoning came on Thursday as the dossier closed on the targets. The Kobra Kai Killer paid a visit on the one target he had left alone to stew in his paranoia, AS (aka 3 weeks of secrets). The target used a trap door to shoot the Kobra Kai Killer. Bad move, this only upset him. He decided to use the buddhist method of killing without killing; he was going to topple the head of AS's team, Can-wetto.

The Kobra Kai Killer returned to the site of his first kill. The smell of death was still in the air and this pleased him. Upon entering the parking lot he noted that Can-wetto's car was parked next to an empty spot, but there was an empty spot next to the front door of the apartment. Kill him when he walks out the door or kill him when he's getting into his car? He chose the former. Can-wetto opened the front door and contorted his face in fear when Can-wetto spotted the Kobra Kai Killer raising his gun. Very, very funny. The shot was deflected by the front door and Can-wetto disappeared. Sucka had to go to work, so he had to come out sometime. All of a sudden there was water coming down on the front of the car as Can-wetto was shooting from an open window. There was a ferocious battle shooting back and forth until Can-wetto yelled,"You're going to run out of water sometime." How wrong you are. The Kobra Kai Killer brought a hudson sprayer with 3 gallons of death liquid that he used to reload 3 times during this battle.

Getting into the safety of the closed car, the Kobra Kai Killer started the car and backed it up to get a safer position, next to the target's car. From here he launched water balloons at the secure position and taunted him, "Aren't you going to be late for work?"

"I called in late, " Can-wetto shot back from above as the Kobra Kai Killer ran up to the building and shot from underneath. Spotting a garden hose, the Kobra Kai Killer thought about using this to finish the job, but did not want break any unknown rules, breaking wills yes, rules no.

Back inside the car, where some more balloons were launched from, seemed to be the best spot to wait. Can-wetto tried a surprise frontal offensive but was nailed by superior killer, a professional. The Kobra Kai Killer!

To the leaders of the Shadow Government: It would be easier for me if you could just send the Kobra Kai Killer the rest of the target's names all at once, this way he won't have to bother you guys with his barrage of executions every day.


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