Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I had a really amazing experience at the 99 cent store yesterday. I usually hit the one up right next to the goodwill and then I look at clothes and stuff before I go into buy batteries. If there's one thing I learned in my life, it's that you go to the 99 cent store for 9volt batteries. I was at target last week and 2 9volts cost like 5-6bucks. Not at the 99cent store. 99 cents. I decided to go on the other side of the tracks this time (both stores are a bit sketchy but hey, welcome to la and the dollar store) and got to store off of nomandie. Oh my god this dollar store is amazing. First off I got spices. Tyme, rosemary, basil, garlic? Red peppers? yup. I went nuts in the spices section. There was a seasalt grinder. 99cents baby. Those things are like 7 bucks at target. FU target! I got a ton of stuff including batteries, shampoo, gel, soda. I once bought mouthwash at the 99cent store and it was terrible. So I wouldn't be buying tampons and stuff there (you can)... I bring this up because I bought hair gel. I was out and it would save me a trip to target (FU).

I put some on last night before I went out and it smelled like, i donno. Smelled not good. Did not reek of heaven if you know what I mean. I thought, well, it's just needs a chance to dry and it will hold my hair in place and stop smelling. Not the case. I woke up this morning and it still smells the same. I have a headache from it. I might hit the shower before I head to the gym just to not smell like chemicals. Ugh. Some guy in the tribune studio parking lot--located outside my bedroom window decided to blast spanish talk radio at 7:30 this morning as he was--i donno-putting on his shoes or whatever. I almost started yelling at him.

About last night, I went to see some comedy for a short bit at the el cid. I like the el cid it's a cool place. I do NOT like their expensive drinks. I give a big FU to el cid for $6+ beers. Get a life. I can go to the 4100 and get better beer for much less. [It's right next door.] Then I went to sardo's for karaoke. Now, I'm very happy for Juror #4 and Mitzy. They met at sardo, through karaoke and are getting married. [Crazy things are happing at that place. Super crazy things.] And while love and karaoke are great I'm sad that Juror #4 and his soon to be wife are leaving us for the great Northwest. I missed his going away party on sunday. I might show up to his wedding at the Van Nuys court house, eight floor noon on friday. That too would be crazy. Me going to his wedding. I don't even know his real name...

I did it. I washed my hair just now. I feel 10 times better and am thinking about suing Suave. I think they might be closing that hair gel shit out a the dollar store because of it's harmful effects to the human body. I should probably lay off that seasalt.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

So no jury duty. Yeeeay. I'm also leaving in a few minutes for a work meeting that's really promising. Anyways, I'm working hard at No Fun Zone songs for our first Cassisingle titled "brilliance in the bedroom".

Also I'm listening alot to the thermals and CSS.

I finished two books at jury duty... so I need to find a new one.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I have to go in for Jury Duty tomorrow at 7:30am. That sucks. I thought I was off the hook, but they just toyed with my heart for the 3 days.

In other news, No Fun Zone laid down 2 tracks today. Both of them covers but they are super sweet. I will be finessing them this coming week. Really good shit. I need to re-record both the girls vocals thought for the beat happening song. (It may actually be heard by calvin believe it or not, that's a story for another day.)