Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Office

My office, even after a little bit of decorating, is very bleak. It's nice to casually say--'oh hey, I got one of those in my office' to somebody, and have them turn around and say 'I want my own office'. If only it were as good as it sounds. I don't have any windows and these freakin' lights are driving me nuts. There is no way to stop them from shutting off. --THEY DID IT AGAIN! Dammit... The overhead lights (not florecents thank god) are motioned sensored or something like that and if they don't detect any movement, they turn off. The sensor is all the way over on the other side of the room (it's a very large office, thank you) and I can flail my arms but to no avail. I used to throw things across the room and swear at the sensor, but I broke too many of my belongings when they hit the wall. I know you must be thinking, 'get a lamp' or something, and I do have a lamp, but it fails to light much of the room. It make this office of mine seem lonely and dark. And bleak.

Lately I've been using the darkness to my advantage and just watch DVDs. I'm almost done with my 9-disc Hitchcock set and have ordered a 9-disc pack (*amazon exclusive) of Fox noir movies for my next viewing. I really wish I would use all this paid free time (or work, as I used to refer to it) to write, but again, it's hard to get inspired sitting in the dark. It's hard to do anything in the dark. Except watch movies.

*Amazon told me they would ship for free if I mentioned them, so...

Today is Valentine's Day. Love is dead. It died with Humphery Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. It brings a tear to my eye to say that and if, indeed, this is the first you've heard about Love's death, I'm sorry to brake you the bad news. Now that I mentioned it, I should have brought and watched Casablanca to work with me today. If ever there is a day to remember Love's death, it would be today. Instead, I'm driving down to the O.C. to dance the night away with a yearly revival of Tuesday Night Dance Party. It's the third annual Songs About Doing It tonight, which, of course, is also a shout out to Love.

RIP Love, RIP.


At 9:34 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

I'm going to comment here in the futile hope that it will impress you sufficiently to forget I'm a giant ass.

I like the office, by the way. Very minimalist. Kudos.


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